Anyone run any fanlistings? (Needing some help...)


Bunny Fanatic
Sep 8, 2014
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Timmy Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
Probably not, but I'm desperate for help/info...

I've been maintaining fanlistings for a lot of years now, but I've recently had to move webhosts and have lost EVERYTHING. And I'm trying to just do a fresh install (created the MySQL databases and all that), go to the install.php for Enthusiast, fill it all out, click install...and when the next page loads, it...doesn't. Everything is blank and I can't figure out what's wrong.

If anyone can honestly help me, I will...I dunno. Give you all of my BTB. I just really, really need help...
Probably not, but I'm desperate for help/info...

I've been maintaining fanlistings for a lot of years now, but I've recently had to move webhosts and have lost EVERYTHING. And I'm trying to just do a fresh install (created the MySQL databases and all that), go to the install.php for Enthusiast, fill it all out, click install...and when the next page loads, it...doesn't. Everything is blank and I can't figure out what's wrong.

If anyone can honestly help me, I will...I dunno. Give you all of my BTB. I just really, really need help...

I am not too familiar with Ethusiast, but I am very familiar with PHP and a decent bit about web servers. :) Knowing that it loaded a blank page, that is telling me there is an error in the PHP code somehow or the creator did a shabby job (like using no HTML/CSS elements) indicating the installation was successful (which is very unlikely). To see what the error is easier, I recommend modifying your php.ini file with the following:
display_errors = on

You also can just add this code to individual PHP files that you want to debug, but it won't show parsing errors (while the .ini file approach will do it for all PHP files):
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);

If you don't have access to a php.ini file, you can add this to your .htaccess file to show PHP errors:
php_flag display_errors 1

After doing some Google searching I managed to find the install.txt for Ethusiast 3. Did you put trailing slashes where you needed them to be for all the Paths & URLs? Additionally, did you CHMOD joined, owned, and affiliates directories to 755 (using your web server terminal or FTP client that supports changing file permissions)? I tried to do additional research and couldn't find articles specific to your issue, but lets see if these suggestions will help solve the problem! :) If they don't, I will be glad to continue helping you in any way I can because I enjoy web design/web server stuff and I see this as a learning experience for us both! :D
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