Anyone who visited my town...

Placktor said:
cryindarkness said:
squishysaar said:
Piranha325 said:
PitFangirl said:
Pretty fortunate he left 99k here, since he didn't follow the rules in my sig.
Instead of putting Jacob, put his TBT name. It's AnimalX-er.
i hear alot of stuff from this jacob
thats a good thing i havent let him in my town

and he did message me that he wanted to come -.-
well I forgave him in the end, and he actually is really nice. ^__^
are you serious i hate him. he sent me like 6 messages swearing at me after i said his brother was annoying on wii speak
he asked for forgiveness so yah...
The Famouse Fleep said:
How can you steal anything?
inless your that ideiotic to leave stuff outside.

The onyl stuff i leave out side is turnips.
...How can anyone read that!? o.o