Man, perfect timing since I just got my piece from MTurtle/ssvv227 for their auction. I LOVE the dragons you drew and I would love it if you could draw mine?
Mayor and Town : N/A since paying with TBT
Type of commission : headshot
Character name(s) : Solana
Gender { if applicable }: Female
Species : Dragon (haven't figured out anything more specific than that.... yet. XD)
Pose & Attitude : Not picky on this, so you can pick it.

As for personality... Curious, Affectionate, Protective, Courageous, Ruthless (only when aggravated)
Transparent BG ? : Yes
Ref: Yeah... I know it looks rough. ^^; I wanted to make this sheet super quick, but I'll make a better one for the future.
Notes: Would it be possible to make the pic at least 900px tall? Feel free to go larger, since that's even better. I know I wanna order a chibi or full body later so can I stay on the wait list? For the TBT amount, uh, the amount listed on the example is what we have to pay (sorry if that's a really stupid question... still not fully awake...)? Feel free to ask me anything else you need to know.
Forgot to add, I know that Solana is usually on her smaller form, but... I'm very curious what she'd look like in her larger form. I would totally pay more if it's possible to have a version of her smaller form and one of her current full size form.