AOTS's Profile


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2005
Please let me know if you have any of the below items:

*Robo Themed items including:
Robo Clock
Robo Sofa
Robo Chair
Robo Stereo
Robo Table
Robo Closet
Robo Lamp
Robo Bed
Robo Wall

*Space Themed items including:
(I'll update later but ANY Space item)

*Nintendo items including:

*Any Snowman Themed items

*Samurai/Japanese related items including:
Samurai Wig

The bolded ones are the ones I need the most

If you have any of the above items, please let me know ASAP. I really need the Robo theme and Snowman theme. Thanks!

Also, if you can give me the names of all of the Snowman and Space items it would be greatly appreciated.
I have:
Robo TV
Robo Clock
Robo Floor
Lunar Lander
Lunar Rover

I'll order them and give them to you tomorrow.I'll PM you my friend code.
Thanks. I just remembered that I have ordered a few Robo items from a department store at the NCAG so I need to check on that first.
Does anyone have a Samurai Wig or Kimono? I really need those. Thanks!

My list has been updated
I will sell you...
Total Cost:10 000 bells

Ummmm.....I also have a Moon but that would cost you 40 000 bells....It sells for 32 000 at Nooks....want it?
AOTS said:
How much would each cost individually?
Robo TV- 2,400
Robo Clock- 1,500
Robo Floor- 2,500
Lunar Lander- 3,300
Lunar Rover- 2,700
Satellite- 2,700

If you buy them all, you get about a 4,000 bell discount.
I really need Japanese and Samurai related items! Please let me know if you are selling any! Thanks!
AOTS said:
Please let me know if you have any of the below items:

*Robo Themed items including:
Robo clock
Robo Sofa
Robo Dresser
Robo Chair
Robo Stereo
Robo Table
Robo Closet
Robo Lamp
Robo TV
Robo Bed
Robo Floor
Robo Wall

*Space Themed items including:
(I'll update later but ANY Space item)

*Nintendo items including:

*Any Snowman Themed items

*Samurai/Japanese related items including:
Samurai Wig

The bolded ones are the ones I need the most

I have snowman stuff!!! I got the snowman (a regular plain snowman, like ones you build) snowman fridge, and snowman table.
Well, I just got alot more snowman stuff, like the snowman, lamp, TV, fridge, tand table, but since Nook buys them for 8,888 bells how about 10K each?
@Kolvo, I'll think about it.

@Zeldafreak, that's the one I already have. That is also about 8000 bells more than it costs for me to get it at Nook's.