I remember the first time I meet Jacques.... it was quite the "experience".
LOL, is half his body in the cliff? xDDD
- - - Post Merge - - -
I don't know if you've chosen the BTB slots yet T.T
✖ Order Form ✖
Name of Character: Ben + Lolly
Gender: Female
Style: Chibi (the first one, lol)
References: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/312/4/4/zora_reference_by_gnoixaim-d85qtz6.png
Payment Option: BTB (600 + 600)
Additional Comments: Have them picking gold roses or something cute together, lol.
Ahh, you made it just in time, I was just sticking the posts into the random item picker xD