Are Pictures really Back?

this is so devastating.

remember the fishing tourney? chip had a portrait of himself (with a fish)!!!

so that's why i had a little more hope, but tye's logic is pretty sound.

Tyler said:
Tyeforce said:
Tyler said:
Tyeforce said:
They're not in the game... I didn't see them when I checked all the item values. Oddly, the note in a bottle is in the game, but unobtainable. It doesn't do anything, though.
If the note in the bottle is unobtainable, then how do you know it is in the game. I have a bunch of them in my temporary town.
I wonder why they would have a bottle and have no way to get it. Maybe they are planning to release later it in a so called "downloadable content"
I hope so... I really liked those messages, I can't see why they would've taken them out

Also, I never recieved these so called pictures?
Are they in Wild World also, or only on the GC version,
I never played the gamecube one
no more pictures T_T
thats sad
i liked getting those and putting them in my house
i thought i had gotten a note in a bottle once ac:cf
just so everybody knows, the pictures are NOT in this game because we can just take pictures of our neighbors with the in-game camera.
I don't think the pictures are back :/, like above it says nothing about them in the guide. But there IS a possibility. The guide did forget to tell you the different hair styles you can get and stuff so....

EDIT: lilshortay, the pictures are what your neighbor gives you if you've been nice to them. A picture of them :p
Shame :/ they were my only way of knowing if I was good friends with them. I have no Idea if any of my neighbours hate or like me now in this game. XD