Are we still having issues with villagers not hanging things on their doors?


Aug 4, 2013
Gift Box
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
Old Gameboy
Chomp Call
Before I go to the trouble of crafting ornament wreaths for my villagers I was just wondering if anybody knows if there's still a bug going around.
Ugh it's terrible. I was hoping that I wouldn't be hit with it, but alas it seems I have been. I have given one of these delightful wreaths to seven of my villagers, in different colors. Lobo, Ankha, and Melba didn't hang theirs up for some reason. I just gave Boone his, so we'll see if he hangs it up come tomorrow. But I'm so sad, because they're so pretty and I really wanted all of my villagers to have one hanging on their door.
Ugh it's terrible. I was hoping that I wouldn't be hit with it, but alas it seems I have been. I have given one of these delightful wreaths to seven of my villagers, in different colors. Lobo, Ankha, and Melba didn't hang theirs up for some reason. I just gave Boone his, so we'll see if he hangs it up come tomorrow. But I'm so sad, because they're so pretty and I really wanted all of my villagers to have one hanging on their door.
That's a shame. I wanted the same thing...
I've noticed a few of my villagers starting to hang the flower wreaths on their doors, but haven't tried the ornament ones.
seems like only one at a time are able to hang stuff on their door from my testing
So far the villagers I have given wreaths to seem to have all hung theirs up. I have noticed that if you given them the wreaths in the evening/ night it seems to take extra time/ an extra day for the wreath to show up. I may have one villager who did not hang hers up (but I can’t remember if I actually gave her one). From what I read elsewhere, giving multiple wreaths seems to work as a ‘fix’ at least some of the time.

Sending good luck thoughts to you all!
Most of the time mine have hung door plates I have given them. I find it takes a day or two sometimes. I think one or two villgers did not. But I gave them all one.