Are you active on any other forums?

no... i surprised myself by joining and being moderately active here!
I don't really have an account for the other forum I used to go to but I know that I read a good number of threads there. However, people tend to be rude there so I just stay out of trouble. I don't know if it's still active or not.
onehallyu for kpop, and this is a bit personal but i'm on a suicide prevention forum that really helps me
I used to be on loads of different forums and active on a few of them but apart from this one all the old forums I loved went bust so now I mostly just use facebook groups.
I'm active on Animal Crossing Community, but probably not as much as I am here, as its activity has declined greatly over the years.
am I active on any other forums, more like are any other forums I'm registered on active

answer: no

though I do frequently talk with the remaining members of one forum community on discord and twitter
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I use to, way back in the day. I remember being active on the rareware fan forums (Rare-extreme,mundo rare, etc...) a lot, a socom 2 clan forum for a clan I had joined, and some eternal darkness/too human forums. I sort of wish these old forums could have been captured on the web archive for the sheer nostalgia lol
Nah just not many games that are really good for forums.
Many many years ago I used to go on the McFly forums a LOT... back when they were a band who released stuff.
It's thanks to that forum that i kinda know roughly what I'm doing on here, but I'm still kinda a forum noob.

That forum disappeared a long time ago... I miss it.
Not really. Over the last year I have pretty much lost interest in everything I used to do, including forums. I barely post or talk to people these days. I just have nothing to say.
Forums are a dying breed, which is sad. I kind of enjoyed the discussions, sometimes deep or long that forums brought. There's a lot of reasons for that.

Most people used to go online with computers, but now they use their phones. It's not as easy to type on a phone as it is a keyboard on a computer. So you don't get as many who are engaged in making lengthy posts or even worthwhile posts. Cause they text short responses. And I know I detested new members and just regular posters who would post one/two word posts. There's nothing to contribute to that.

People as a whole have just gotten lazier with communication. Look around and you'll see a bunch of zombies who can't pull away from their phone, sometimes walking straight into traffic, and have terrible social skills because of that.

Sites like Twitter and Tumblr haven't helped either. My friends urged me to try those sites and I just couldn't get into them. I want to talk with people not at them. And it's really not like you can do that with those sites. But they seem to do well and I don't understand it because you're really not communicating with anyone there.
I agree ^. Forums are pretty much dying nowadays, no one seems to use them anymore. I clearly remember how active some forums were maybe 4, 5 years ago and how funny it was. Places like MAL for example and the little clubs that existed and how easy it was to just make friends and engage in random questions with other users. I can only imagine how MUCH more it was back on early-mid 2000s.
If reddit counts, I still browse that sometimes! But my main forum right now is The Bell tree only, yeah. I use discord a lot but that probably counts as social media haha

In the past I used to frequent and post daily on this one official forum for an MMORPG game (2D sidescroller like maplestory) I played a lot, Latale. It was a game that involved a lot of grind (since it was a korean mmo) but it had beautiful art and music and a really nice community that I enjoyed being a part of! I used to just log into the game and afk or chat with guildies while sitting in town relaxing listening to music and just post on the forums or skype with guildies, good times..
Oh my gosh, my browser was lagging a ton so I accidentally double-posted! My bad, guys!
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I'm more of a lurker, but I come and go from this forum. I browse reddit a lot but I rarely post or reply, it's mostly just to scroll through something because I don't have a facebook or anything.
Reddit occasionally, MMOCentral forums for Toontown, I used to use Toontown Alley but it's extremely dead now, and I used to use animalcrossingcommunity every now and then, but I favor Bell Tree much more than that site.