Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

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I would've previously said night owl but in recent years I've started to get really tired around 6pm and I generally go to sleep around 10-11pm. likewise I wake up really early, usually around 5-6am, though depending on how tired I am I may stay up for an hour and then sleep for an extra 2-3 hours. so I'm basically an early bird :)
Do you consider yourself an early bird, a night owl, or does it depend? I thought it would be interesting to see the results in a poll. I am definitely a night owl, and there’s no question about it. I’m wondering how diverse our community is.
im a night owl for sure! i love staying up at night! and when i have a schedule which requires me to get yo early and work/study during the day, i always have some revenge me time during the night before sleeping hehe though i have to admit that my mood and productivity improve when i get up esrly.. i guess the night is my guilty pleasure
Night owl, always have, probably always will be. I can't stand the mornings, it's so difficult to get up, even if I slept early, I'm usually staying up late at night, doing work that I got motivated to do around midnight.
I love the feeling of being awake in the morning, but my bad sleep schedule has turned me into a night owl. No matter how early I wake up I can’t fall asleep at a good time. I’m just too alert at night. At this point I’m starting to think of giving up.
I’m an early bird! Never used to be that way, but working mornings changed my waking pattern - even on my days off I find I wake up around 5-6am.
Definitely an early bird! There is nothing better than getting up a few hours before everyone else gets up sitting watching an episode of something or playing Animal Crossing with a Caffè Latte. If I don't get that 'me time' in the morning, my day gets off to a bad start.
Night owl. More active at night than I am in the morning and during the day. I don't fall asleep until 1 am most times but if we're not in the mood to go to bed than I usually stay up until 3 am. Sometimes 5 am.
I’ve always been a night owl. I don’t like going to sleep early even when I know I have to be up early. It’s just not who I am, it never has. I love the nighttime and the peace and quiet that comes along with it.
Night owl. I just love staying up late and waking up late on a weekend or when I'm off work.
My sleep goes where it wants- I have horrible insomnia, so I just live with it. Legitimate insomnia I need medicine for and it didn’t help. I don’t bother anymore. But it means I’m a night owl. not only do I just stay stuck awake over nothing but it helps me avoid problems at home so I gravitate to it anyway.

I used to have work painting houses and I woke up around 4 am to commute, but I don’t anymore. It’s really nice to be awake when nobody else is, even if it’s when I just woke up- but I no longer have that work and going to sleep stressed because of my house and the people I live with sucked. If I lived with better people I’d be happy to keep up those hours.

Basically, as long as I can be awake in the middle of the night, I’m happy with that.
Night Owl, definitely. I friggin' love nighttime. It's too bright and hot (the latter only applies to Spring and Summer) during the day for the most part. I would love to find out what humanity would be like if we were actually nocturnal.

I swear I am an owl in a human's body.
I’m a night owl but I would like to work on becoming more of a morning bird by waking up earlier. I suppose that you can’t really be both at once, so until I change my night owl habits it won’t be easy to be the other! 😆
I said it depends on the circumstances. Sometimes I love staying up late, im more creative and more inspired at night. I also love early mornings because it’s so peaceful and quiet. I love a cup of coffee and the sunrise.
I used to be a night owl, but I’m more of an early riser now! However, I picked “it depends on the circumstances” since I could stay up really late at times (e.g., gaming) whereas I wouldn’t be able to at other times (e.g., project deadline) and would need my rest!
i have to be an early bird for work unfortunately. i dont like having to wake up at 7 am honestly, i'd prefer waking at 9 or 10 am. still gives me enough time in the day to do stuff but i can also stay up later which for some reason, i just kind of prefer lol. going to bed at midnight makes me feel more mature and such but.... all my friends are awake at night T_T
I am a night owl through & through. I feel like I have a haziness in my brain in the morning (hence why I need, and love coffee so much), and don't feel truly fully awake until late afternoon! It's a terrible habit to break, but I've also worked night shift for over a decade, and just feel at most peace at night. The bright sun tends to give me a headache, and the heat just makes me feel more tired. And being a mama, I get time to myself at night, once everyone else in my house is asleep. That 'me time' is absolutely precious to me.
I am both. I go to sleep really late, and wake up super early.

If I didn’t have to wake up super early, I guess I would be a nightowl. I enjoy staying up late, but don’t necessarily enjoy waking up early (I just have to).
Will vote later (🧚🏻‍♀️✨) but my unwavering insomnia says that I’m a night owl. It sucks though because the rest of my family go to sleep by 11 pm. After that I have to do a quiet activity or use my phone.