Are you participating in the Fair?

Are you participating in The Bell Tree Fair?

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Yes Jeremy :) Its great to be part of the belltree community and participate in these events
Yes! My first fair and I'm loving it.
It's nice to see everyone come together and put their talents to work and just have fun.
The collectibles/prizes are also very spiffy too!
Yes. Not all events though. Having fun participating. Beats getting my Christmas shopping done.
I'm loving it so much! :]
It's my first time participating and I'm trying to enter in all the contests/events I can!
I'd love to get the pinwheel, the rainbow, pink & white feather! :blush: (Yeah, dream on!)
*do the Kool-aid OH YEEEAAAH*

Voted & yes definitely - participating in some of the events, and probably one or two contests.
It's my first Fair, and it's a lot more fun than I expected.
I do have a certain prize in mind,
and the hunt for it is a nice thrilling rush. :D :D
I am. It's something to do in between revising for exams and doing coursework at least. Enjoying it so far too. :)
I'm having fun with the fair, but I am soooooo impatient when it comes to contests! XD
I can't wait to see what everyone put together :D
I love the Fair and will be watching with interest... but participate fully? No. I can't, for the simple reason I just don't have the time in December. :(

If there are things like Caption this picture that I can do in a few minutes, absolutely, but even the things I want to do like the poetry one or show off the design from your house, etc., I just can't do. I barely have enough to sleep, lol.
I am. I've entered everything but the art, food and signature contests. The sig contest is just making me tear my hair out tbh.
i am! i think i participated so far in some of the events. >_> i made something for the food stall, so i'm currently working on writing directions and stuff.