Guuuh, I'm currently not sure if I want to devote the extra tbt for a mayor or not!! If I choose to add a mayor later, will that require a complete re-do? ): Or could I just add the extra tbt needed as payment? (since I don't even know how I want my villager to be dressed etc for second town!!) but I'll go ahead and add all the info needed for the order now and then if needed I'll ask for the full thing later on when i'm ready if, for mayor image ones, you have to send everything in at same time!!
(and can I request an update to my sig ;___; i'm so sry.. could it be the purple lollipop as the obtained icon instead.. orange candy doesn't feel like it matches v well bc purple toned signature..)
Multiple towns signature
Mayor name 1: Sen Sen
Town name 1: Felicity
Mayor picture 1:
Villagers 1: Marshal, Beau, Bunnie, Fauna, Freya, Molly, Rudy, Genji, and Phoebe
Obtained pixel and obtained villagers 1: all obtained, obtained icon something pink maybe?
Dream address 1:
Native fruit 1: Peach
Mayor name 2: Xavier
Town name 2: Anteiku
Mayor picture 2:
Villagers 2: oh god WAIT I DON'T EVEN KNOW
[everything else]: WHOOPS
OKAY WAIT SO SINCE I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT VILLAGERS I WANT YET FOR ANTEIKU I'LL HOLD OFF ;____; but I'll absolutely be ordering as soon as I know what exactly I want with my second town....
BUT I absolutely do want a non-halloween signature for Felicity only with mayor picture (since two town one will take a while w my indecisiveness haha) !!
Single town signature
Mayor name: Sen Sen
Town name: Felicity
Mayor picture:
Villagers: Beau*, Marshal*, Bunnie Fauna, Freya, Molly, Rudy, Genji, Phoebe (if there r any highlighted ones in special spots, the * ones pls!!)
Obtained pixel and obtained villagers: pink rose or sakura?
Friend code:1478-8134-1093
Dream address: n/a
Pocket Camp ID: n/a
Native fruit: peaches
Timezone: EST
Any other text: cuteness is justice!
Any other picture/pixel to include:
Theme, main colors: cute and pink!
Background: I leave it up to you..!! something sweet and cute!
Animated, yes/no: yes please (if you cant find any good animated ones non-animated is fine too ofc!)
Shape: preferably cat or sakura maybe!
Font, text effects: elegant but cute!
Other info:
TBT price: 45 tbt!