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Shop 🌷 Ariane's signature shop 🌻 CLOSED

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Hi, can you please update my signature so that Colton is under the "have" category? Thank you!
username: Swenivar
style you would like: #2
town(s) name: Courtesy
mayor(s) name: Swevinar
ref of your mayor(s), if any (for transparent mayors): N/A
villagers (if included): N/A
FC (if included): 2337-8929-8875
DA (if included): N/A
native fruit (if included): Cherries
obtained sprite and obtained villagers (if included): N/A
any other text: "Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy."
main colors/theme of your sig: Different shades of Blue & Darkish Green, and White
background: Something similar to my avatar pic.
animated, yes/no: Yes
shape: Rectangle
font/text effects/style: You decide!
other info: N/A
offer in TBT: 25? (Sorry, I'm a newbie...)
Hello! I have a question for you. Can you make me a signature? If you need to ask me more, feel free.

Town: Hau Oui

IGN: Megan

Native fruit: Oranges

FC: 1349-9840-0474

Animated: If possible!

Villagers: Biskit, Molly, Vesta, Lolly, Marshal, and Coco

Theme: Forest

Other text: Where all dreamies are welcome!

Shape: Oval please

Payment: Does 20 TBT work?

Thanks so much if you can do this! It’ll be a big help!
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Payment is made in TBT Bells - it's the forum currency, and the amount users have is listed in their sidebar under their avatar. TBT bells are earned by posting, selling in game items, or selling art, for example
At the moment you have 2 tbt, since one signature usually goes for around 30 (I usually accept a bit less for new members, around 20), I'd be happy to make you a signature when you can afford it ^^

Also, I have a form to fill out for orders. Please use it if you wish to order later on!
All of this is written in the first posts on the first page ;)

- - - Post Merge - - -

hi, it looks like you were banned or something? :/ Please let me know when you come back so I can complete your order!
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Payment is made in TBT Bells - it's the forum currency, and the amount users have is listed in their sidebar under their avatar. TBT bells are earned by posting, selling in game items, or selling art, for example
At the moment you have 2 tbt, since one signature usually goes for around 30 (I usually accept a bit less for new members, around 20), I'd be happy to make you a signature when you can afford it ^^

Also, I have a form to fill out for orders. Please use it if you wish to order later on!
All of this is written in the first posts on the first page ;)

- - - Post Merge - - -

hi, it looks like you were banned or something? :/ Please let me know when you come back so I can complete your order!

Okay, great! Thanks. Give me about a week to get the TBT collected. Thanks!
username: smallpeach
style you would like: style 1
town(s) name: Link
mayor(s) name: Hayley
ref of your mayor(s), if any (for transparent mayors):
villagers (if included): Scoot, Cookie, Marina, Lily, Etoil?, Chops, Bob, Diana, Marty and Shari
FC (if included): 1006-0240-3979
DA (if included): 5E00-001C1356
native fruit (if included):
obtained sprite and obtained villagers (if included):
any other text:
main colors/theme of your sig: purples, pinks and blues, with an aesthetic theme
background: https://imgur.com/JtlKhCh
animated, yes/no: no
shape: Hello Kitty's head (I imagine something like this https://imgur.com/f7LJKp1)
font/text effects/style: I like that cursive font you often use :D
other info:
offer in TBT: 40 TBT

Thank you in advance! I'll send TBT whenever you'd like :)
finished orders! let me know if changes are needed :blush:









username: turtleyawesome55
style you would like: style 1
town(s) name: Tortuga
mayor(s) name: Shelby
villagers (if included): Zell, Julian, Kid Cat, Marshal, Tangy, Stitches, Gruff, Bob, and Bruce
FC (if included): 1950-8366-6012
DA (if included): 4B00-000F-8299
native fruit (if included): Peach
main colors/theme of your sig: black/dark blue
background: If possible the background of my current one
animated, yes/no: no
shape: a cat
font/text effects/style: cursive font
offer in TBT: 40 TBT
username: BabyKay
style you would like: Style 2
town(s) name: Bluevale
mayor(s) name: Hollie
FC (if included): 0962-9160-8786
DA (if included): 6C00-00A8-1905
native fruit (if included): Orange
any other text: I would like for it to say ''Vale of Dreams'' somewhere if possible :3
main colors/theme of your sig: Varying shades of blues.
background: https://orig00.deviantart.net/341d/f/2015/325/d/a/night_sky_pixel_art_by_zlzhang-d9hk8i1.png
animated, yes/no: No
shape: Up to you, whatever you think would fit :3 Cloud, moons and stars. Anything really along those lines~
font/text effects/style: Bubble text preferably, but I don't mind if you find something better :3
offer in TBT: 30

I hope this is all ok? I'm rubbish at describing things >.>
I've yet another request for an update ><; Apple just moved, so could you please take her out?
finished orders! let me know if changes are needed ^^






Is it alright if I order 2?
Username: PaperCat
style you would like: Style 2
town(s) name: Red Oak
mayor(s) name: Bryn
DA (if included): 5E00-009D-4660
native fruit (if included): Peach
main colors/theme of your sig: Orange and reds perhaps? whatever looks good
background: http://78.media.tumblr.com/aa90fd031f93f81e1e78b75b2b9c2b81/tumblr_inline_n25dprlpXk1qhwjx8.gif
animated, yes/no: Yes
shape: Tree, Owl, Wolf villager? Whichever looks good :)
font/text effects/style: The same font as your signature, the "Happy Halloween" ? I am unsure what it is called.
offer in TBT: 30?
Username: PaperCat
style you would like: Style 2
town(s) name: Greymoor
mayor(s) name: Hilda
DA (if included): Do not have one yet :/ (can I upgrade the signature once I acquire one?)
native fruit (if included): Pear
main colors/theme of your sig: Blacks and greys.
background: http://78.media.tumblr.com/043638a13d33aa74f175aa54439f4382/tumblr_inline_n25dj8mB5T1qhwjx8.gif
animated, yes/no: Yes
shape: Castle, Crown, Shield? idk im bad at choosing shapes
font/text effects/style: Nordic style font if you have one. If not then a sans serif.
offer in TBT: 30?

Also if it makes it easier, instead of 2 custom shapes then mayhaps one of those 2 town types you have? Kinda like https://i.imgur.com/Vq112f0.gif?
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