Wowee!! I did not expect the perfection I just witnessed in this thread! Your art is AMAZING and please never give up drawing!!
I almost screamed when I saw Sabrina. c:
#1 I haven't been on in a long while and your art is so amazing, it's crazy to watch how much you've improved and developed you style <3
#2 the snake cupcake looks like my Bowie and I love it
I am LIVING for your art, you're my fave artist on TBT so happy to see you posting!
I remember knowing you as the signature-queen but you really gotta pick up traction for your art, its so beautiful.
Do you have any tips on lineless art? How do you do it so well without it ending up super flat?
Love the Raichu and Catepie!
bro ur art!!! makes my day <3
...I'm a little ashamed to come online only to post new art, but at least here's something?
so here's another drawing done on procreate (I honestly don't think I'll ever go back to photoshop now, procreate is so much easier to use and most importantly, so much more FUN)
this is my OC Selene, that I designed two years ago, she's my cosmos queen and I love her <3
(as always, click for full size on DA)
just for fun, here's a comparison of the first times I drew her in the beginning of 2018 vs now:
I know I have so much more to learn but I'm quite proud of this improvement ^^
Okay big question:
How did you get a feel of human anatomy? Do you look at pose references? :0 Cuz like I’m struggling big time to get a good grasp of how the human body is supposed to feel,, I don’t mean anatomically realistic but more of getting the flow of movements and such. How do you do it? You’ve improved big in that aspect from 2018! <3