Shop ✎∵ ARIEL'S SIGNATURES ∵ | Cheap Prices | New Fonts Added! | -CLOSED-


∵≪Good Vibes≫∵
Mar 30, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Spring Shamrock
Timmy Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
Blue Mote of Flame
October Birthstone (Opal)
100% (90) +
✎∵ ARIEL'S SIGNATURES ∵ | Cheap Prices | New Fonts Added! | -CLOSED-




Hello everyone! Thank you for peering into my shop. Please let me know if you'd like to order, but be mindful of the shop status. If I am closed, I will not get to your order right away, even if I am online. I'm currently only doing signatures and shop banners, not chibis, etc. Please read the rules before ordering! Enjoy!


1. Your signature is important to both of us, so be patient. I want to make sure everyone gets their order filled. It also takes me a good minute to get them as perfect as I can for you.
2. Be nice to others in the thread. If you aren't nice, I simply won't make one for you.
3. Pay at the appropriate time. I won't send you your sig without payment. When it's finished, you send the bells and I'll send the sig. If any problems come up and I can't make your sig, I WILL return your TBT/IGB. Please be sure you are sending any TBT to "Ariel." and not "Ariel", that account is inactive and it is not me.
4. Rate the store/post feedback. I'm sure other buyers and myself would love to hear what you think! It's not asking a lot on your end, but of course, you don't have to.
5. When ordering, read through every spoiler and fill out the order form in its entirety. There's some things I do differently than others, and I update the rules and the order form from time to time.
6. Confirm you read the rules. Where it says "did you read the rules" in your form, write: "Yes, and then I ate some cake".
7. NEW RULE: Know what you want before you submit a form. I will be messaging you during the signature making process and informing you of what I'm doing and what I think looks good or bad. I don't mind you changing your mind, but if you change your mind after I've already made your signature, you will be charged for it. You will not be charged for correcting any mistakes I make. More information is in the "Prices" spoiler under "Extras".


Signature/Banner Prices:
Signature with animated background: 50 tbt or 5 mil IGB
Signature with non-animated background: 30 tbt or 3 mil IGB
Shop banner with animated background: 30 tbt or 3 mil IGB
Shop banner with non-animated background: 20 tbt or 2 mil IGB
Mini-banners: 15 tbt or 2 mil IGB. This price is for a bundle of banners. These banners will not have a background, just the font.

Curved or Regular border: 5 tbt or 50k IGB
Update Current Villagers: 5 tbt or 20k IGB each update. (you can do more than 1 at a time, but each separate request costs extra).
Update Dreamies Obtained: Free!! \(^_^)/ just message me when you need an update.

**Last minute changes are changes made after you've received your signature and you want to make changes to it (such as font, main color, symbols, etc.) Changes made before I've started on your order, or while I'm working on it you will not be charged for. If I make a mistake, you also won't be charged for any corrections I have to make. I WILL NOT make last minute changes unless you pay for them first.**

As with most signature shops, most animated backgrounds can be found in the links below. (I'm sure other signature shops won't mind me borrowing the links.) I can also do any other background of your choosing, but please try to make sure they are the right size. The maximum signature size is 250x715. I will resize if it is too big.

Anime Backgrounds
Sprite Backgrounds
Mix of Both
(Thank you anclsofia for this)

*Info for Shop Banner buyers: In your order form, it asks if you would like Text over Image or Image in Text. Text over Image means that you will have the full background and the text will be over the image (like in regular signatures). Image in Text means that the text "color" will actually be the image and not a solid color (if this is confusing, it's basically like the banner I have for this shop).

I have many fonts to choose from! I can add almost any font you like, but here are some of my favorites! Feel free to pick one of them or request different font for your signature. If you choose one of mine, please tell me the font number and font name in the order form.
You can see all of the fonts I have below.

**Please Pick 2 Fonts!! One Primary and one secondary. You may only use one font if you are using a secondary since they are the easiest to read.**


I currently get all of my sprites from the link below, and as far as I know, all of them are available for you to use. If there are sprites that the link doesn't have, I'll let you know and do my best to find one.

Sprites Masterpost

Of course, I know you'd like to see my work before you buy. Here are a few signatures I've created!

Signature Examples









Shop Banner Examples

I get this question asked quite a bit, so here's the answer :]
Yes, there's a button at the bottom when you go to edit your signature, but you had to have previously bought that feature with TBT in order to use it.

Fortunately, there's another way:
1. When you go to edit your signature, at the top of the text box, there is a toolbar that lets you change or add things in your signature (like font, size, color, bold, etc).
2. In that toolbar, there is a button that looks like a picture of a small tree - the insert image button. Click on that button.
3. Click on the tab that says "From URL".
4. Copy and paste the direct link in there.
5. Uncheck the box that says "Retrieve remote file and reference locally".
6. Click OK.
7. OPTIONAL: Highlight all of the image code
8. OPTIONAL: Click on the Center button (if you don't know what it looks like, hover over the buttons to find it) This step makes sure your signature is in the middle and not off to the side, but it's a personal preference.
9. Enjoy your signature :]

If this method still doesn't work, PM me and I'll see if I can fix the issue. Thanks <3


Signature Order Form
This is the way I'd like you to order a signature, so please use this form. If you don't use the form, I won't place the order (sorry).

[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3]My Signature[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Background URL (Please use the link and not the image): 
Animated/ non-animated:
Curved or Regular Border? (If purchasing): -These cost extra-
Font (include number and name if one of mine):
Main Color: 
Secondary Color: -This is the outline color-
Town name:
Mayor name:
FC/DC (optional):
Timezone (optional):
Town Fruit (optional):
Symbol for obtained (for dreamies): -If you don't know if I have it, please check the sprites tab-
Are you using Dreamies or Current Villagers?:
Names of Dreamies or Current Villagers (please put a star [*] by the ones you have obtained or are keeping):
*If using CURRENT VILLAGERS, will you be updating them in the future?: 
Did you read the rules?:
Total amount of bells (Specify TBT or IGB):[/SIZE][/font]

Shop Banner Order Form
I've just started doing shop banners, so take it easy on me. I've done the shop banner for this shop and one other shop.

[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3]My Shop Banner[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Link to background URL:
Image in text or Text over image?: (If you don't know what this means, please see the "backgrounds" tab for more info)
Curved or Regular border: 
Primary Color:
Secondary Color: -This is the outline color-
Shop name:
Slogan/other words:
Would you like any mini banners (titles for different sections in your shop)?:
Mini Banner title names (these will not have backgrounds, only main colors):
Did you read the rules?:
Total Amount of bells (TBT or IGB?):[/FONT][/SIZE]

Last edited:
Background URL:
Animated/ non-animated: Animated
Curved border y/n: Yes
Font (include number and name if one of mine): Walt Disney, #35
Main Color: Your choice c:
Town name: Far Away
Mayor name: Tayy
Timezone (optional): N/A
Town Fruit (optional): Apple
FC/DC (optional): FC- 0018-1829-8046
Dreamies or current villagers: Zucker, Marina, Cousteau, Coco, Marshal, Ankha, Stitches, Merry, Pudge, Bluebear
Dreamies obtained: Marina, Coco, Marshal
Symbol for obtained(for dreamies only): Pink Rose
*If using current villagers, will you be updating them in the future?: N/A
Total amount of bells: 5mil+50k c:
Last edited:
Background URL:
Animated/ non-animated: Animated
Curved border y/n: Yes
Font (include number and name if one of mine): Walt Disney, #35
Main Color: Your choice c:
Town name: Far Away
Mayor name: Tayy
Timezone (optional): N/A
Town Fruit (optional): Apple
FC/DC (optional): FC- 0018-1839-8046
Dreamies or current villagers: Zucker, Marina, Cousteau, Coco, Marshal, Ankha, Stitches, Merry, Pudge, Bluebear
Dreamies obtained: Marina, Coco, Marshal
Symbol for obtained(for dreamies only): Pink Rose
*If using current villagers, will you be updating them in the future?: N/A
Total amount of bells: 5mil+50k c:

Thanks for your order! I'll try to have your sig ready as soon as possible. I'll message you if anything comes up or when I'm finished.
Background URL: tumblr_n0i2hsCaCW1qztgoio1_500.jpg tumblr_n2swu7er0n1ro861co1_500.jpg
Animated/ non-animated: animated
Curved border y/n: yes
Font: Can I submit one?
Main Color: I don't know what you mean
Town name: Bostokyo
Mayor name: Boston
Timezone (optional): EST
Town Fruit (optional): Perf apples
FC/DC (optional): Sidebar
Dreamies or current villagers: Dreamies
Dreamies obtained: in current sig
Symbol for obtained(for dreamies only):
Total amount of bells: 50 TBT

Sorry for the confusing order
Background URL: View attachment 94135 View attachment 94136
Animated/ non-animated: animated
Curved border y/n: yes
Font: Can I submit one?
Main Color: I don't know what you mean
Town name: Bostokyo
Mayor name: Boston
Timezone (optional): EST
Town Fruit (optional): Perf apples
FC/DC (optional): Sidebar
Dreamies or current villagers: Dreamies
Dreamies obtained: in current sig
Symbol for obtained(for dreamies only):
Total amount of bells: 50 TBT

Sorry for the confusing order

You can submit a font, just tell me the name of it and I can see if I have it. The main color is the color you'd like the text to be, but if you want I can pick that out for you. I also need to know what symbol you'd like to use to indicate the dreamies you have.
Background URL:
Animated/ non-animated: Animated please!
Curved border y/n: yes
Font (include number and name if one of mine): #19 Little ( but if that font is too small to use #21 Nickelodeon)
Main Color: I'll leave it up to you!
Town name: Dango
Mayor name: Kirsten
Timezone (optional): N/A
Town Fruit (optional): N/A
FC/DC (optional): 3136-7684-5303
Dreamies or current villagers: Julian, Marina, Skye, Beau, Diana, Fauna, Merengue, Fang, Whitney, Bunnie
Dreamies obtained: I'd like to just have all of the villagers to be listed above if that's alright? c:
Symbol for obtained(for dreamies only): N/A
*If using current villagers, will you be updating them in the future?: Nope!
Total amount of bells: 55 tbt c:
Background URL:
Animated/ non-animated: Animated please!
Curved border y/n: yes
Font (include number and name if one of mine): #19 Little ( but if that font is too small to use #21 Nickelodeon)
Main Color: I'll leave it up to you!
Town name: Dango
Mayor name: Kirsten
Timezone (optional): N/A
Town Fruit (optional): N/A
FC/DC (optional): 3136-7684-5303
Dreamies or current villagers: Julian, Marina, Skye, Beau, Diana, Fauna, Merengue, Fang, Whitney, Bunnie
Dreamies obtained: I'd like to just have all of the villagers to be listed above if that's alright? c:
Symbol for obtained(for dreamies only): N/A
*If using current villagers, will you be updating them in the future?: Nope!
Total amount of bells: 55 tbt c:

Thanks for your order! I'll try to have your signature finished soon. I'll be PMing you, so please make sure your inbox isn't full. :]
Okay, I have a font called triforce (the Zelda Font) that I'd like, if not I like your font in your signature. and could you pick the best looking color (idk which one to choose), and for obtained drums, could you use white carnations?
Okay, I have a font called triforce (the Zelda Font) that I'd like, if not I like your font in your signature. and could you pick the best looking color (idk which one to choose), and for obtained drums, could you use white carnations?

Edit: I didn't have the font, but I figured out how to get it on! I'll use the triforce font for you. :]
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