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Pickup for kitanii!
I'm confused which sides are the mole/earring so I just saved both ;7;
tell me which is the right one so I'll know which ver to upload in my galleries please

Pickup for kitanii!
I'm confused which sides are the mole/earring so I just saved both ;7;
tell me which is the right one so I'll know which ver to upload in my galleries please


First one is right, thank you very much for the beautiful art! *v*
Ey if anyone still awake at this hour (although it's still early for me), im gonna stream some chibi colouring

Man I am flattered <33
It just seems like I don't have as much consistency control yet lol

I love that about it though! I mean everyone looks different IRL, so the diversity you have with each piece makes them all unique ^^ Sometimes it's really cool to not have every piece look alike/similar.
@KainAronoele I guess when you put it that way, it does make me feel better about them!

where googly muffy pls
@KainAronoele I guess when you put it that way, it does make me feel better about them!
:3 Should, they're beautiful ^^
I kill for that style Not literally, I'm murdererless. Please don't report me to the FEDS
@gnoixaim 2nd done as well!

@jint & lilliee
//hold ur faces AND KISSES O`3O <3333
//paws adoracheebs
Ranipaw I can't choose which to upload to Toyhouse pls choose for me thank
@Lum 2nd one unanimous go 8B
that or pls make a bright eye searing yello version thank

@KainAronoele lmao nooo not worth any killings here
also, I agree on the blue-silver `v`

@Zane praise jesus

but really, thank u ;7;

@ssvv227 thank you very much!
and thanks to already cute chars ofc :9