I really like the fake Detailed Painting, because that shade of purple is just so pretty! The fake Wistful Painting and fake Graceful Painting that are haunted freak me out, though...
the fake ancient statue is way cooler than the authentic one imo because it floats if you interact with it and its eyes glow at night! i know there’s a couple other haunted artworks in the game, but this one’s definitely my favourite — i love that haunted artwork was included at all, though!
i also think the fake informative statue is pretty neat. i like that it’s blue, and that it somewhat glows at night. ^~^
My favourite fake art is the ancient statue. I like the real world context of it because some conspiracy theories believe that aliens came to Earth and the ancient peoples of Japan made dogu statues to look like aliens in space suits. The fact that they glow at night and levitate in the air when you interact with them make them great for haunted themes.
I like a few of the fake art statues as well as the real ones such as the valiant statue I use both the fake and real ones in my island only because the fake is using the opposite leg to stand on so its nice having them on either side like twins.