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/white person voice
Omg rap is so ratcheeeet like
/pop pumpkin spice latte
Koop is everything
I feel you there, I get so many moments where I just don't feel like doing anything :') Sometimes I just sit in bed thinking about nonsense lol xD
I've been drawing a lot this afternoon though!! but then again there's this email that I've been meaning to send..... cries I don't know, motivation is a weird thing >->o

I've been drawing a lot this afternoon though!! but then again there's this email that I've been meaning to send..... cries I don't know, motivation is a weird thing >->o

I have been at school, I have not been able to draw as much as before :(
omg chill
people can be 'trans-racial'
you know


I've been drawing a lot this afternoon though!! but then again there's this email that I've been meaning to send..... cries I don't know, motivation is a weird thing >->o

I understand entirely TT__TT Haha while waiting for side effects to pass I have lost some motivation for things hnnnng >__< the struggle is real 8'D I definitely procrastinate too much haha, that won't be logical when I get a job though :3 I agree though motivation for me just happens randomly+when I don't feel icky haha.
I have been at school, I have not been able to draw as much as before :(

well,, you can always doodle on your notes tho uvo)b
that's what I used to do to keep myself awake hahaa xD

I understand entirely TT__TT Haha while waiting for side effects to pass I have lost some motivation for things hnnnng >__< the struggle is real 8'D I definitely procrastinate too much haha, that won't be logical when I get a job though :3 I agree though motivation for me just happens randomly+when I don't feel icky haha.

ughhh that sounds terrible >->o
this afternoon for me just felt like... the past week of not drawing at all exploded into productivity lmaoo 8"D

I was going to answer the best anime question but I can't figure out if the question is serious or not
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