Hey again! Why another in real life list? I don't know, people like them for some reason. Okay, here's an art in real life one. I really like art, and see-ing my favorite artworks in ACNL...:0 Imma frame them.
Let's start with the European by country then Japan then some other countries. :] By the way, I finished my art museum so I luckily don't have to look up the wiki.
Also, don't attack me for not going ABC order.
Amazing Painting
The Night Watch
Rembrant van Rijn [nani!?]
Oil on Canvas
So, it's a militia of people. They're like...okay, gotta save the country or something. This red guy looks smug. >_>
Moving Painting
The Birth of Venus
Sandro Botticelli
Around 1485
Tempera on Canvas
Venus, the god of love, is on a shell after the sea. She's nakii. ;] Other things seem to like it on the side.
Solemn Painting
Las Meninas
Diego Vel?zquez
Around 1656
Oil on Canvas
So, there's a shorty who is wearing a huge dress. Yeesh, another show-off. >:/
Scenic Painting
The Hunters in the Snow
Peter Brueghel the Elder
Oil on Wood Panel
So, there are these people trying to hunt. They're miserable and want to go home. :[ Sad...
Proper Painting
A Bar at the Folies-Berg?re
?douard Manet
Around 1882
Oil on Canvas
Wow, she thinks she's old enough. [r/entitledpaintings]
Serene Painting
Lady with an Ermine
Leonardo da Vinci
Around 1490
Oil on Wood Panel
It's cute. :3 I personally prefer that over a cat (forgery)
Famous Painting
Mona Lisa
Leonardo da Vinci
Started around 1503
Oil on Poplar
Of course you should know this. I don't... ... Get out. >:3
Ending here for now, going to edit later. Hold your Roscoe down.
Let's start with the European by country then Japan then some other countries. :] By the way, I finished my art museum so I luckily don't have to look up the wiki.
Also, don't attack me for not going ABC order.
Amazing Painting
The Night Watch
Rembrant van Rijn [nani!?]
Oil on Canvas
So, it's a militia of people. They're like...okay, gotta save the country or something. This red guy looks smug. >_>
Moving Painting
The Birth of Venus
Sandro Botticelli
Around 1485
Tempera on Canvas
Venus, the god of love, is on a shell after the sea. She's nakii. ;] Other things seem to like it on the side.
Solemn Painting
Las Meninas
Diego Vel?zquez
Around 1656
Oil on Canvas
So, there's a shorty who is wearing a huge dress. Yeesh, another show-off. >:/
Scenic Painting
The Hunters in the Snow
Peter Brueghel the Elder
Oil on Wood Panel
So, there are these people trying to hunt. They're miserable and want to go home. :[ Sad...
Proper Painting
A Bar at the Folies-Berg?re
?douard Manet
Around 1882
Oil on Canvas
Wow, she thinks she's old enough. [r/entitledpaintings]
Serene Painting
Lady with an Ermine
Leonardo da Vinci
Around 1490
Oil on Wood Panel
It's cute. :3 I personally prefer that over a cat (forgery)
Famous Painting
Mona Lisa
Leonardo da Vinci
Started around 1503
Oil on Poplar
Of course you should know this. I don't... ... Get out. >:3
Ending here for now, going to edit later. Hold your Roscoe down.