Art Museum: are some pieces more scarce?


In Colorado, under my cats rule.
Jan 21, 2023
Apple (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Purple Violet
Sweet Balloon
Purple Bunny Balloon
Orange Balloon
Blue Balloon
Yellow Balloon
Hello everyone!

Have any of you found that certain art pieces are harder to find than others for your museum collection? I visit Redd daily on Harv's Island and purchase an art piece every day hoping it will be replaced with a new one that I need the following day.

I have noticed that certain genuine art pieces show up regularly... for example I get genuine Mona Lisa paintings (Called Famous Paintings) all the time, as well as Leonardo DaVinci' Vetruvian Man (Academic Painting).

Do you all get the same art over and over? Or is it completely random?

I am four art pieces away from completing my art wing of the museum, and have been searching for those last four forever it seems!
It’s just completely random. Every art piece and fossil are equal likely sample spaces, meaning that they all have an equal chance of getting.
It’s just completely random. Every art piece and fossil are equal likely sample spaces, meaning that they all have an equal chance of getting.
That's what I thought too, but given the amount of genuine Famous Paintings I have received (not including all of the never-ending fake versions) I thought maybe it was random but with odds?
I know it's random but I've also seen those two paintings more often than most, and there's some I haven't seen yet at all (only been playing for a few months). I had been assuming there was some order to appearance but I guess not.
I know it's random but I've also seen those two paintings more often than most, and there's some I haven't seen yet at all (only been playing for a few months). I had been assuming there was some order to appearance but I guess not.
I am not saying they aren't random, I just think the odds are stacked for some pieces. I could be wrong though, and I am just incredibly unlucky. However... It's interesting that @Rainy.Nights has seen the same ones multiple times, like me, after only playing a couple of months.


Okay, not really, but I want to figure out the odds? Maybe a poll would have worked better.

Maybe someone out there gets the same art that I am looking for repeatedly.
I kept encountering the Famous Painting in both legitimate and fake versions. Literally every other visit from Redd he would have it for sale. There were other pieces I would consistently encounter, such as the Jolly Painting, Quaint Painting and Serene Painting.

For the longest time, I could not find the Proper Painting, Calm Painting, or Great Statue (none of these have a fake version). Eventually, I got sick and tired of Redd not having them for sale, so I obtained them from someone else on a different island. If I'm not mistaken, the game will automatically run a check when loading Redd's items. If you visit him and he only has stuff you already have, then the check gets activated for the next visit. From then on out until it happens, there will be a 20% higher chance of a piece of art appearing for sale that you don't already have. Once the unobtained art appears, fake or not, the check resets and becomes random. It is likely why some art pieces that don't have a fake version appear less often than others. It sounds complicated, but it's what I could remember from memory.
They say that it's random. You can get zero pieces of legit art up to 2 or more maybe? But I've encountered it where I got nothing for the longest time and then I will get 1-2 randomly. Often times I see the same fake or legit pieces when I still have so much of the art section to complete. I think the rng is just garbage sometimes. The game definitely feels like it could do with a QoL to lower the rng for a lot of the game.
It seems like the Warm Painting is a lot rarer than most of the other art. Whenever someone says that they're missing art, the Warm Painting seems to be one of the missing pieces. I definitely think that some artworks are rarer than others, but it might also be that some artworks are more likely to appear based on your airport, just like how your regular catalogue is linked to your airport.
I definitely think that some artworks are rarer than others, but it might also be that some artworks are more likely to appear based on your airport, just like how your regular catalogue is linked to your airport.
Uhh...what? Can you elaborate on this? I don't see the connection here.
Uhh...what? Can you elaborate on this? I don't see the connection here.
My understanding is that your starting island setup (airport location, native fruit, airport color, etc.) determines the catalogue of items most likely to appear in your Nooks Cranny and Ables. I'm suggesting that maybe it also affects which artwork is more likely to appear for you.
My understanding is that your starting island setup (airport location, native fruit, airport color, etc.) determines the catalogue of items most likely to appear in your Nooks Cranny and Ables. I'm suggesting that maybe it also affects which artwork is more likely to appear for you.
Oh, OK. But I still don't see the connection. I feel like it's similar for most people regardless of airport color. I am big confusion :\
Oh, OK. But I still don't see the connection. I feel like it's similar for most people regardless of airport color. I am big confusion :\
I just looked it up, and apparently, the airport only affects which variants show up in your shops. I thought it affected which items were more likely to appear for you, not just the variants. Never mind.
Oh, OK. But I still don't see the connection. I feel like it's similar for most people regardless of airport color. I am big confusion :\
Mountain is saying that people reset their island to get certain things such as the fruit, airport color ect. I think they're saying it's possible when you first make your island that there's some code that determines what types of art Redd on your island would most likely have a higher % rate of bringing in. Which would make sense because I can't remember which pieces it was, but Redd would always be selling those on my island all the time.

I know some people were annoyed that they kept getting art that I've never seen at Redd's meanwhile I kept getting the ones they never saw or needed but Redd on their island never had it. It was probably another way for them to push for the online appeal. Who knows it sounds possible.
Mountain is saying that people reset their island to get certain things such as the fruit, airport color ect. I think they're saying it's possible when you first make your island that there's some code that determines what types of art Redd on your island would most likely have a higher % rate of bringing in. Which would make sense because I can't remember which pieces it was, but Redd would always be selling those on my island all the time.

I know some people were annoyed that they kept getting art that I've never seen at Redd's meanwhile I kept getting the ones they never saw or needed but Redd on their island never had it. It was probably another way for them to push for the online appeal. Who knows it sounds possible.
Yeah, who knows if there is some hidden code but I always got the impression that there was something going on because there were some pieces of art that tend to show up a lot for me and other pieces that I've either never seen him offer after years of playing or that I've only seen like once. I had to buy some of the art pieces from people here on the forums to complete the museum because some things just seemed like they'd never show up if my game was left to its own devices.

With all of the datamining that people did and with how they figured out that the Resident Services item colors were tied to airport color, it seems like such a thing would've shown up and we'd have long known about it though. I don't think there's anything to show that though? Unless it's just something that always escaped my notice.

It does feel like one of those incentives to encourage Nintendo Switch Online memberships, and it would make sense if so. But yeah, whatever the case, it just feels like something's up.
I thought that the items available were tied to airport color because other people seem to frequently get clothing and furniture items that I never seem to see in my shops even though I try to check them every day. One shopping exchange partner often had Zoris in their Ables while my Ables usually has walking shoes instead. It's also possible that something is affecting which items are available for sale, but that something isn't related to the airport color.
Art being tied to the airport color, or starting fruit explains other questions I had. Until yesterday's bug off, I thought all outdoorsy nets were pink, but it turns out there are other colors. My Nooks only sells pink. As others have said, maybe it's possible that certain art is harder to come by based on the random starting things like airport color, but you would think someone would have discovered the trick by now.

I have no problem trading with people online for furniture and clothing, but I want to complete my museum by collecting on my own, and I hope that my green airport doesn't keep me from finding a Twinkling Painting.
Hello everyone!

Have any of you found that certain art pieces are harder to find than others for your museum collection? I visit Redd daily on Harv's Island and purchase an art piece every day hoping it will be replaced with a new one that I need the following day.

I have noticed that certain genuine art pieces show up regularly... for example I get genuine Mona Lisa paintings (Called Famous Paintings) all the time, as well as Leonardo DaVinci' Vetruvian Man (Academic Painting).

Do you all get the same art over and over? Or is it completely random?

I am four art pieces away from completing my art wing of the museum, and have been searching for those last four forever it seems!
I was having the same issue, Liz can help you her profile has rainbow trees 🥰
Rainbow trees?
I think they're just describing the user @/Liz!'s profile icon. Also because Liz! has an ACNH shop.

If I remember correctly, I collected all my art pieces alone on my island without trading. I definitely got plagued by the Serene Painting (Lady with an Ermine) multiple times though, lol.
If I remember correctly, I collected all my art pieces alone on my island without trading. I definitely got plagued by the Serene Painting (Lady with an Ermine) multiple times though, lol.
That's actually one of the ones I see pretty frequently, both genuine and fake. Not as often as the ones I mentioned before, but close.

And yeah, I really do want to collect without trading for my museum. @Liz! has been a huge help to me for other items though!