Art stories!!!!


Senior Member
May 17, 2017
This could be about how you started art, got a certain art style, or just a weird or crazy story of art!

Here's mine

A little while ago, I went to a slumber party of my friends. Everyone there were artists so everyone brought their art books. Everyone was showing their art. There were two realistic artist, one semi-realistic, and two anime type of artists. I felt sooooo embarrassed of mine because I was a cartoonist and I had such a kiddish art style. I was already the youngest there so I absolutely did not want want all these older people treating me like a little baby. So while everyone was sharing their art I was sitting in the corner playing my friends ps4. :(
my art story is that i wake up, draw 3/4 headshots on a plain white background of the same character and then repeat
Back in 2006 I started to practice the art of belching. Little did I know that years later it would develop into a culture that blew up into a society that started out from my small group of friends. I'm not going to say much as it's classified but there is WAY more to the story. I wish to tell my story about how what I'm saying came to be. If you're curious and have an open mind than feel free to PM me.
I actually do a lot of different stuff now. Art, music, writing, even video game development now. It's a lot of fun, but has been eating away at the time I have to post here and whatnot.
I won an art contest back when I was in school, and got a blue ribbon for it. The theme was 'winter,' and I drew a picture of sled dogs running through a snowy forest. Sadly, it was so many years ago, and I no longer have that picture, but I remember one of the bullies in my class liking my picture so much that my teacher actually scanned it (with my permission) and gave out copies of it. :')

Years later, I would go on to make these beautiful, elaborately detailed origami decorations for Halloween that perfectly matched the decor of our store, only to find that one of my coworkers would throw them away behind my back. Ah, how times change.
Part of my story is much like yours, my art teacher suggested to me and my friends that there was an art camp nearby that only takes in a small number of entrants and we were all super excited about, well low and behold my friends took the applications but never turned them in, so when I got accepted and told them they told me they weren't going... I was really bummed because I have horrible social anxiety and general distaste for most humans so I was like... uhg. The camp cost money and my mom had already paid so I was obligated to go. I knew it was based at a wetland sanctuary and so I was happy it was to do with animals and stuff because I love animals! In fact that's why I've a vegetarian(yes it's important to the story...)

Now it should be said my art is not masterpieces, it's silly and kiddy, and I work mostly with like colored pencils and MSPaint... so it's not like amazing. I honestly knew very little about the camp going into it, I just heard "art camp" and knew I wanted to go. Well it turned out it was an art camp based on Duck Stamps, which are stamps with art pieces of ducks and geese and help preservation to protect our native species. And all of the entrants of the art camp were amazing traditional artists who made amazing realistic paintings, and at least half of them had PLACED to have their art on the stamps in the competitions... and two of them actually had their art on the stamps... There were only 10 people at the camp. and 7 of them were Asian, all of them were the amazing traditional artists. There was one other white girl and she was a photographer, so it was nice there was someone who was ALSO in the wrong place(even though the camp was described as for artists of any medium.)

As soon as my mom dropped me off I didn't want to be there, because as well as preserving wildlife, they also were avid hunters... the entire cabin was covered head to toe with dead animals, including but not limited to, ducks, geese, bucks, a giant warthog, a few native large cats (bobcat, mountain lion), a ZEBRA carpet, like a legit zebra flayed out, coyote pelts... etc etc. (I am OK with taxidermy now, but back then I was mortified.) In my application I had noted I was vegetarian in the dietary restrictions, and this to them meant "cheese and pb" like that's all I had there... there was some fruits and like one of the meals over the three day camp had sides I could eat. Obviously they'd never encountered a vegetarian before.

It was super awkward because on the first day we introduced ourselves and had to show our art... and I was just SO nervous being it I hated presenting things in classes to people I know, this was in a strange place, with strangers, surrounded by dead animals staring at me, and everyone else there was a master painter, even the photography girl was like, professional photographer status. So it was embarrassing to show my crappy art pieces I brought... I ended up bunking with the photographer and we got along well thankfully and we read Edgar Allen Poe to each other each night, it was neat.

The art part was actually really amazing in most aspects, they had really nice point and shoot cameras for us to use, the kinds with the fancy zoom lenses and we'd go out in the marshes early morning and take loads of pictures, it got me really into photography actually. We played art games at the cabin, and I actually won several because I was WAY better at fast drawing gestures when they were all about attention to detail, so I won really amazing (read: expensive) art supplies, like a really high class watercolor set, brushes, and a giant thing of prismacolors. We would go on little nature hikes and drive throughs of the marshlands in these big vans with the doors open so we could shoot out of them with our cameras, we learned about a lot of native birds and actually saw eagles and rare falcons as well. My favorite birds were the cinnamon teal ducks and buffleheads because they're really really gorgeous. We got to whittle/carve our own mini-decoys. And I had a breathtaking experience when we were sent out into a section alone on a trail, there was 10 minutes in between each of us so there was nobody around us when we went, and I got to a part of the trail where it was looking over a large area filled with water, stuffed to the teeth with geese, and right when I had squatted down and lined up a shot, an eagle flew over and spooked the geese and I got to experience THOUSANDS of geese taking off all at once, it was honestly so amazing.

There was a few times that times weren't so good, a part of the "learning" about the birds was a bit too hands on for me... the directors had gone out and freshly killed several geese and butchered them in front of us, everyone else was crowded around outside but I went and sat around the building with one of the counselors that I kind of had a crush on and talked with him, so I mean it wasn't all bad... They also took us to a larger building with MORE taxidermy animals, I walked in and then walked out... And on the last day of the camp they were trying to get us to work for them basically, like making projects to get more people involved with the Duck Stamps program and stuff but I wasn't about to go and hand out Zines about ducks at my school... no thanks.

So I mean while it was a neat experience my favorite thing from it was the disc of photos I took out there. Gunna stick in a little spoiler:







lmao I gave up on art and trying to establish a distinctive style, so I only do it when I'm forced to in class. I think my realistic drawings are some of the best at school if you squint from far away.... haha
This site got me into drawing. So did Pok?mon.
Oh boy you DO NOT want to see my drawings from last year.
That's such an amazing photo! I went to an art class about 3 or 4 years ago (so, I was around 10), and the teacher of said class made us do realistic paintings and I can't do that. And she always went around criticizing a bunch children's art. The only good thing that came out of that class was a really lovely pear picture I painted and cheap presents for family.
This happened years back, when I was still in school and when they didn't cancel art lessons. I remember this because it really peeved me off at the time lol.

Coming from an family that very artistic I started drawing when I was young. Art was always my favorite lesson in school and I did well in it. When I was in Year 9 most of the other students didn't really have that much interest in art and would just waste that lesson messing around and annoying the students that was doing their work.

I remember one art class my friends and I was all on one table and one of my mates was struggling to draw a piece of her drawing {She was drawing an elephant and was couldn't get the ear's right} and asked me to help her. So I did, I only did a rough sketch for her so she could get the basic shape. And the teacher saw this and wasn't having any of it, giving me a earful about how she should be able to do it herself and all that.

Now, I wouldn't have a problem with this although when one of the other students {the ones that just mess around the whole lesson} ask her to 'help' them draw some thing she would draw them basically the whole thing, and this happened for most of the students, so they got really good grades for a piece that they didn't really do.

When I took art in Year 10 near the end of the year I got told that they was canceling art as the teacher was moving away and couldn't find another art teach. Now that did tick me off as I did a full year of art and gotta switch course and wouldn't get a full grade. So, they changed art to Photograph {Which I did pretty good in got a B lol} Although, this did make me stop drawing for a long while and I got back into art around about last year ago.
I can't pinpoint exactly how I got into portrait work, but I've been practicing it for about seven years.
Before that, though, I attended art classes since the age of 8-9. I was introduced to the Jamaican teacher by a family friend and I worked with her for 9 years in her little home studio, as well as volunteered at her summer camp. Early on, I would do the projects she designed, adjusted to our skill-level, with the rest of the class. I even had birthday parties there, forcing my love of art on all my friends :p

I was only embarrassed once in that class. While doing our art, the tables were papered over and we could draw on them. I would doodle characters from my imagination, which looked cute to me, but hideous to others. The teenaged assistants jeered at my drawings during clean-up, not knowing who'd made them. Looking back now, I'd agree with them lol

When I was 13, I developed a strong pull to faces and that's all I wanted to do from there. My first was a pencil drawing of myself, and then I moved to draw my four cousins, who were toddlers at the time. I really enjoyed, and still do, drawing portraits of children. I really hate looking at these pieces now as I was just starting out and my technique wasn't developed yet. But, I had to start somewhere and it's nice to see progress.

To be able to capture someone's eyes, smile, expression, and aura is most important to me. I think that's why I'm attracted to it. I hope to keep drawing and painting for all my life.
I started drawing because I was bored, and continued drawing because it was fun (sometimes)

plus once I get good enough it seems like a good way to earn a lil extra $$$
one time in 8th or 9th grade my art teacher took my art project that wasnt completely finished yet and she never gave it back :I i think she wanted to show her colleague or something but ??????? pleas giv it bakc........,
I actually developed my current drawing style from copying (not stealing) other people's "fakemon" designs, and looking at anime characters.

And idk if anyone remembers Flipnote Hatena, but that also inspired a lot of my drawing style, particularly the way I draw anthropomorphic animals.
I'm apparently really good at writing poems. It started as a joke when i was upset and I wrote them out of sarcasm, but now you can get one of your own for 2 TBT... link is my signature
well, i think i always enjoyed art as a pastime, ever since i was a rlly little kid making picture books. if i had to pinpoint a time i started getting more serious abt art, it was when i was in elementary school. i have a little brother abt two years younger than me, and when we were little, i was very insecure abt my place in the family (among other things). whenever my brother got praised for something, i was rlly jealous, and tried to do what he was doing, but better than him. i was the older sibling, right? if i wasn't the best, what kind of older sibling would i be? and of course i had plenty of things i did much better than him, but being rlly insecure, i only focused on the things he was skilled at. so, since at the time he was doing a lot of drawing, i decided to try and actively improve my art. i started asking my parents for drawing books to practice from, i started tracing things, drawing from my imagination, doodling during class. even though it started as a (one-sided) competition, drawing became something i truly enjoy and one of the ways i can express myself. and now i'm seriously considering pursuing it as a career ! started off as smth born from negative emotions but now we're doing alright :D
(snip)When I took art in Year 10 near the end of the year I got told that they was canceling art as the teacher was moving away and couldn't find another art teach. Now that did tick me off as I did a full year of art and gotta switch course and wouldn't get a full grade. So, they changed art to Photograph {Which I did pretty good in got a B lol} Although, this did make me stop drawing for a long while and I got back into art around about last year ago.
In my high school the same thing happened and it made me SO mad, because it happened over and over...

First year when I got to the school we had an AMAZING art teacher, he was classically trained and was genuinely an amazing artist, he was really chill, we got to do classes outside and he'd let us turn in any art pieces for points if we didn't want to do a particular assignment. So he was really great. He really liked my art too which was nice.

The next year he retired, which I was really bummed about, so I figured, ok I'll re-take Art 1 because it will be a new teacher and they might have a different teaching method. BOY, was I right. The new teacher was a kindergarten teacher... She had only crayola products as art materials and the "assignments" took no effort at all, she gave everyone full credit, but she did like my art a lot and hung my stuff in the classroom, she herself was really young but she treated us like little kids, it was crappy.

The next year they said we were getting yet another new art teacher, but this time I didn't feel like re-taking art 1 so I went ahead and skipped to art 2. The classes were so small though that they combined art 2 and 3D art into one class. Thankfully this teacher was a real artist and knew his stuff. He was really cool, and french, and a vegetarian(which I am too) and had rad lessons, and weekly still-lifes that he'd set up with different neat lighting. But low and behold he was only there for maybe half the year and then he got offered a better job elsewhere, so the rest of the year we had a substitute with no artistic skill in his body... so the rest of year was AWFUL. Me and my friend also robbed the class blind because they had all sorts of nice clay and prismacolors and all sorts of stuff that we didn't even get to use, so we kind of us just... made free with it at the end of the year. XD

Senior year I moved and was just going to take Art 1 at my new school, since I knew it was a real art teacher they had there. The very first day I got to my class early and sat towards the front and the teacher came out and asked if I already did art (maybe I just look like the type) I said yes, and she asked me to bring in 5 pieces for her to see the next day, so I did, and she told me I was going to be in AP art instead, which happened the same time as the normal class, just in the back area of the room, so I did AP art the rest of the year and the assignments were hard but fun and challenging as well, so it was cool to get to do that, the assignment at the end of the year was hard though, to pump out so many pieces and have to do a write up, but it was still the best art class I had.
used to draw kind of smut on a message board asking for certain characters with eachother. mostly just kissing or looking like they're dry humping but never anything like actual nsfw artwork. looking back on it id still do it too if i had time LOL