Ask A Question


May 20, 2009
User Title Color Change
User Title Color Change
You answer the above person's question.
Then you ask the person below you a question.
It may be about them, a trivia question, any question.

Especially questions that are too personal.

Play at your own risk, this isn't for the kiddies.

1) Yes or No questions can only be answered with "yes" or "no".
2) Tell the truth.
3) Answer the question logically.
4) Trivia Questions may be Googled.
5) Use common sense.

Failure to comply with these rules will result in banning from the game. Especially the first one.

Did the poop taste good when you tried it? (Yes or No)
what kind of a **** question is that?

Are you a virgin?

Should we be asking the people below us the questions?

Anyway obviously since I'm only 15, Even though some people get sexually active at this age.
Yeah you ask the person below you a question, or at least that is what the rules say. So know you would ask a question for someone else to answer
On Topic, people.
Don't spam, and if you don't want to answer, don't answer or spam.

Did it feel good when you licked the inside of your nose?
Wtf you whore?

Why does Nook tell us not to spam his topic when he spams ours, so some random like Opera came up to him and ate his testicles.... Would Nook scream like a girl, smoke a bong, get smokers cough. Eat a centipede then rape a millipede then look at some random pedophile and be like "HEY BRO HOOK ME UP WIF SUM WEELZ!!" Yes/No
...I do scream like a girl, though.
But no., how was your day? (I hate normal questions.)
It was alright, Just normal.

Do you have a life out of the internet?
Yes I do.
I socialize when I have the chance to.

Did uncooked chicken intestines taste good? (Yes/No, and by the way, answering this question means that you have tasted it)
Who the **** would eat that **** you stupid mongoloid.

Favorite TV show.
I can't think of one at the moment, I don't watch much tv :p

If you were stranded on island, and could only bring three things with you, and they can't be planes or water or anything like that, and it's the third tuesday of the month, and you're starving, would you say hi to me on the street?
There wouldn't be a street if I was on an island :\

Are you disabled?

Would you rather dance like an idiot in front of many people and be on TV, or have your mother get on TV and tell the world about your most embarrassing things, and have her show a picture of you that was taken this year, so people who wish to make fun of you can identify you? (You have to choose one, or permaban)
The second one, Because I'd be one 4chan if it was the first one, remixes and crap. But people won't really be 100% sure that that was me.

Would you rather kiss your mother on the lips or become homosexual/lesbian (Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to offend gays or lesbians, So if you flame me then you have a problem with me).
I'd rather the "Would you rather" questions be taken to the "Would you rather" thread.

Why is Nook such a child?