Ask a stupid question get an even stupider answer

why can't the world go kaboomification when pie drops to the ground on top of bacon.

What chance do I have of marrying a hot girl?
because when i was a child i was neglected and i lived on the streets so i had to fend off by myself. then i had to go to skool but noone would be my friend. because of all the loneliness and deppression, i became an evil sorcesress who kills all who stand in my way.

why was this such a long explanation?
Then Disney would make some crappy reality series based on you, and you would unfairly make millions of dollars while kids all over the world work their ass off and they only earn a miniscule fraction of what you make in a day.
Why is the irony of my answer so true?
Erica said:
becuase you ancestors were.

what if i was on disney channel?
then they'd make you into a singer and make you eventually turn out like Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears.

Why is disney so corrupt?
lol i cant sing............. o.o;;

lol miley cyrus is so stupid.

@bdubs: because its true.

@bacon: because disney is ********.