Is there any way to get campers to show up? Like, are there any specific requirements, or is it completely random? I know I've gotten campers even when I had all 10 villagers, so I know that isn't a requirement...
If I keep letting Luna decide on my dreams and keep dreaming and exiting and repeating enough times, will that count towards my dreaming achievement badge?
So I've been wondering something about lucky clovers. Are there like...conditions you have to meet to get them? I've been playing the same town for a year and a half and I've never picked up a lucky clover. They've all been normal ones. Maybe I just have really bad luck? lmao
It is random, you can?t do anything to grow them, I play since release and in my town I only got three lucky clovers so far.
If you time travel a lot, you could possibly help them to appear.
I do time travel a lot and yeah, I only get the normal ones that disappear when you pick them up. Wish they were easier to collect haha.
Oh this is unfortunate, I guess the lucky clovers appear to be extremly rare, maybe you could try to trade them from other people in the trading boards. Good luck!
what do you think is a more effective way to catch a tarantula? slowly walking around town and entering/leaving through the train station for new spawns or saving and continuing near an empty section of town (my town is quite developed right now)
Personally I prefer the entering a house/any door method, the easiest for me is going from a house on the left side of town,
then go searching, then enter another building on the other side of town again, and repeat until you hopefully find what you?re loooking for. Good luck!
yay done what you said and i eventually got one! 3 days of searching is now over! the weirdest part is i saw and caught plenty of scorpions but the tarantulas were just refusing to show up at all
Two questions:
1. Can I still fish out trash with the beautiful town ordinance?
2. Bug of today and completed 1/2 the set. Can I time travel back a previous day and forward again in order to get the second half of the set?
Just started animal crossing again and i forgot all these things :s
1. nope you'll have to change the ordinance or go to someone else's town
2. you don't even have to do that! you just have to rewind the time to before 9 a.m and it resets itself
Ive tried TT back to 8:55 am about 4 times now and I keep getting the same set. Has the set for the bug of been pre-determined already from the beginning of the day or is it just my bad luck. Anyways would going back and forward a day work, or do I have to wait until next month?
Ive tried TT back to 8:55 am about 4 times now and I keep getting the same set. Has the set for the bug of been pre-determined already from the beginning of the day or is it just my bad luck. Anyways would going back and forward a day work, or do I have to wait until next month?
Also would it make a difference if I went back 1 day/forward 1 day vs. forward 1 day/back 1 day
(I got all my bugs with me I just want the other half of the set T.T)
EDIT: TT'ed back 1 day forward 1 day for the 3rd time and they are still giving the same set :/