Quick question about perfect towns.
I'm trying to get a perfect town to get the watering can but I'm not sure what the PWP requirements are. I've got a bunch of street lamps up in my town (9 or 10), a blue bench, water fountain, wisteria trellis & a zen garden. Also have the non-removable ones like the Cafe, Police station and Reset Center.
Do any of these detract from the rating? and what kinds of things should I be adding?
All of those PWPs are good. Perfect town status is achieved based off of three categories: abundant nature, abundant living and cleanliness.
Here is a list of PWPs that will affect the towns nature positively:
flower clock/bed/arch, wisteria trellis, rack of rice, leifs topiaries, solar panel, wind turbine and windmill.
& negatively:
drilling rig, garbage can, illuminated arch/clock/heart/tree, picnic blanket, tire toy, tower, traffic signal, and the video screen.
(note: you can build pwps that are seen as "bad" but you'll have to build more good pwps to make up for it)
cleanliness is making sure you have less than 10 weeds, and less than 10 items on the ground. sea shells, flowers and fruits don't count. buried fossils, pitfall seeds and gydroids don't count either.
good abundant living would be the campsite, bridges, benches, streetlights.
Hope this helped

make sure you also have at least 100 trees and lots of flowers planted as well.
Hello people! I'm new to the Bell Tree Forums so you'll be seeing me for a little while. Anyway, what's the best way to start off your AC:NL town? As in town projects and stuff. I've only just started replaying so I want to get my town moving fast. Any ideas?
Thanks to-be friends!
I would start with looking up all of the pwps and which villager personality requests them and try to get the ones you like. there is a pwp diving trick you can do once you have a wetsuit and it will usually get you a random pwp request daily.
also make sure you talk to sable everyday to unlock the qr code machine if you're interested in laying out paths.
and try to unlock the dream suite soon so you can visit others dream addresses for inspiration
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hi i was wondering if i had 1 peppy already, and another one happened to move in would one of them or my previous one be more likely to move out?
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also i was wondering if cookie the peppy pink dog was in your campsite, would you try to get her to move in or would you reset your campsite? i already have rosie.
to be honest I'm not 100% sure if it's more likely for one of them to ping you to move out.
as for the campsite, it's really all up to you and your preference ! If you're looking for a villager that you plan to sell, well id reset. but if you already loaded up from an existing character you won't be able to reset for a different camper.