Is there a way to check if a villager is out of your cycle? I want nibbles back, but I dont know if its been 16 villagers since she left (probably not)
No, you have to keep track of it.
However, I think what may help is to sit on your town tree, and if you remember what date nibbles moved out, you could count how many villagers have moved in since then and kind of estimate (assuming you moved those villagers out to get nibbles back).
Is it possible to move out your last villager? A person I traded with didn't inform me that their void wasn't clear and I ended up with their voided villager. -.- It also doesn't help that I have 9/10 dreams and can't afford to move anyone else out.
Definitely is possible. It just takes a lot of effort. If you intend to cycle, then it might take longer. But I just spent a few days being absolutely fantastically awesome to the neighbor and waited until they asked to move.
What is the acre system for New Leaf? I'm trying to make a gridded map. Thank you!
So I may have ended up with a villager from a friend's town and he didn't want her moving out but didn't notice before he could change her mind, is there any way to get her to move back into his town once she's ready to go again?
Not sure if I'm supposed to be asking, but maybe in a PM![]()
How in the world do people get so many bells! I've been playing for a long time, but have never been able to save up 1 mil (ofcourse, in total i've spend more)
Do dead trees count against perfect town rating?
He would have to complete the 16 villager cycle and then adopt the villager from your town. If he is willing to cycle and you are willing to hold on to that villager while he does that, then you could get the villager back to him.
iirc there's a method where a villager ask to move and after saying no you move a year then another? Can anyone confirm how to do it again? I haven't played nl in awhile and remember doing this than starting a new character after each travel
Is there a way to save messages you get outside of your pocket? I just got one from a villager and it's special to me and I don't want to accidentally delete it.