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Does Turnips price remains the same at a specific time and date, say it will always be 200 bells on 01/01/14?
So when i TT to that date the price will always be the same.
Which time is the best for turnips price? morning or noon?
No, once a day passes, the price will change and you can't get it back.
ie. Monday's price is 200, Monday passes and Tuesday's price is 120. You TT back to Monday, the price will not be 200 anymore. Likewise, Tuesday's price will also change to something different if you go back to that day.
The only way to keep a turnip price is if you never let the day pass (or if it's a morning price, don't let the time pass 12PM).
For your second part of the question, I don't think it matters whether it's morning or noon, neither is better or worse. Your town's turnip prices follows a trend every week, and that determines the prices you will get.