Senior Member
How long does it take for Club LOL to appear? I go outside of the door to where it should be, and Dr. Shrunk already showed up and said he would build it, but it hasn't shown up yet.
How long does it take for Club LOL to appear? I go outside of the door to where it should be, and Dr. Shrunk already showed up and said he would build it, but it hasn't shown up yet.
This is more a 3DS problem than a NL problem, I think... anyway...
How come it won't let me take anymore pictures? I'm pretty sure I removed them all off the SD card But when I try, it still says it's full...
(cross posting this cuz i really need help >_<)
i've been dreading trying my hand at destroying/rebuilding a bridge that Flora decided to move close to. I just can't be sure if when i destroy the bridge, that i'll be able to build another in the same spot, and i NEED it to go in the exact same area
#### //||||||\\#XXX#
//||||||\\ = river
=== = bridge
### = land
XXX = Flora's house
(a crudely colored version for the imaginatively impaired ^^;; pls pardon the horrible highlighter coloring haha)
View attachment 32664
as you can (hopefully) see, Flora's house is 3 spaces away, with the extra space for her door one space up from the path of the bridge. If I were to destroy the bridge, do any of you think (based on the guide up above) if I'd be able to rebuild it??
edit: ugh the text-map isn't exact, so i'll post a screenshot :X
View attachment 32665
I'm on my phone, so sorry for fully quoting. According to a guide I saw, you will not be able to rebuild there. The restricted space is one square up from the bridge and four squares over. Flora's door space is in the fourth spot, so that's trouble. If you have a working bridge there, I would just not worry about it not being your favored style. Because, I think you'll be sad if you demolish it.
Ok thanks for the reassurance! I do have the beautiful ordinance enacted so no worries there. Now I can start playing my new games without worry.Yeah. The game decides at the start of a day if someone is moving. You stopped them, so as long as you don't let tomorrow start up, you could break for ten years if you wanted to. To be safe, mark down somewhere the last date and time you played. When you decide to play again, go in as a new character and make sure everyone's there. If not, go back to the last time you played, stop the missing villager, and move on. But, that's just a precaution that shouldn't be necessary. I once stopped a mover and then jumped ahead two years with a new character just to test it, and everyone was there. You will be better off if you have the beautiful ordinance.
if a villager moves out/is voided can they return? (ie campsite, bringing them from a friend's village)
I have a question about the Char. Is he where the waterfall meets the ocean or upstream on the waterfall that comes down from the mountain? I'm really having zero luck on boths spots so far. -_- Nasty fish.
do villagers pinging to move necessarily mean anything? rosie has been pinging me every 3-4 days and i'm getting offended, i talk to her multiple times a day and usually fulfill her requests. and she can't be asking to leave because we are such good friends as she's only been in my town for maybe a 2 weeks.
hurt ;_;
I have a question about the Char. Is he where the waterfall meets the ocean or upstream on the waterfall that comes down from the mountain? I'm really having zero luck on boths spots so far. -_- Nasty fish.