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I can't see the rest of the bushes but connected trees count too so you mightve exceeded that limitation

Even including the trees there are only 9. I should mention that it refused to grow even before I planted the one to its right. Also there is no connection behind to the bushes behind the trees. It just doesn't make much sense to me.

This is what the rest of it looks like btw.
Even including the trees there are only 9. I should mention that it refused to grow even before I planted the one to its right. Also there is no connection behind to the bushes behind the trees. It just doesn't make much sense to me.

This is what the rest of it looks like btw.
Hm, that's strange. I'm not sure but my guess is something like the tree limitation per 7x7 area, but for bushes. That limitation was why people thought they had random dead spots in their towns in the past. I never experienced it with bushes myself so it's better if you wait for a guaranteed answer
Even including the trees there are only 9. I should mention that it refused to grow even before I planted the one to its right. Also there is no connection behind to the bushes behind the trees. It just doesn't make much sense to me.

This is what the rest of it looks like btw.
Like Euphy said, if there are over 15 trees/bushes in a 7 x 7 space around the space you plant the tree/bush, it wilts. If you wanna avoid this to happen, you chop all other tress in that 7 x 7 area first. Then plant the bush at said space. Then plant other trees again when the said bush is grown. It works in some cases.
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Like Euphy said, if there are over 15 trees/bushes in a 7 x 7 space around the space you plant the tree/bush, it wilts. If you wanna avoid this to happen, you chop all other tress in that 7 x 7 area first. Then plant the bush at said space. Then plant other trees again when the said bush is grown. It works in some cases.

Gonna try that, thanks!
To get the golden slingshot, do you have to shoot down 16 balloons in one play period for it to possibly show up? Or 16 in a day? Or just 16 overall? I finally managed to get the silver one but I can’t remember if I shot down a bunch that day before it showed up.
Okay, by the power of time travel and some trial & error, it worked. I actually needed to chop down both trees first (one wasn't enough) and now everything grows as it's supposed to be.
Thanks a lot for the help! ^_^

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To get the golden slingshot, do you have to shoot down 16 balloons in one play period for it to possibly show up? Or 16 in a day? Or just 16 overall? I finally managed to get the silver one but I can’t remember if I shot down a bunch that day before it showed up.

According to Thonky, you have to shoot down 14 balloons overall using the slingshot to get the gold one. It is possible to pop balloons with a shovel and net, but only using the slingshot will make you progress.
According to Thonky, you have to shoot down 14 balloons overall using the slingshot to get the gold one. It is possible to pop balloons with a shovel and net, but only using the slingshot will make you progress.

Oh it’s 14, my bad lol
So just once you shoot down 14 overall with a slingshot then it just has a random chance of appearing? I’ve been like walking around my town for hours just waiting for balloons thinking I need that amount in one play time for it to show up lol
Oh it’s 14, my bad lol
So just once you shoot down 14 overall with a slingshot then it just has a random chance of appearing? I’ve been like walking around my town for hours just waiting for balloons thinking I need that amount in one play time for it to show up lol

you need to shoot 14 down in total with a slingshot of any kind. then you have a higher chance of a silver slingshot appearing than a gold one, i believe
Okay, by the power of time travel and some trial & error, it worked. I actually needed to chop down both trees first (one wasn't enough) and now everything grows as it's supposed to be.
Thanks a lot for the help! ^_^
Ah great to hear! Thanks for the update! *AC glee emote*
Hummm that’s what I thought.
Isabelle isn’t letting me place a lighthouse. I’ll keep trying then

Make sure your cliff doesn't curve in a way that would negate your 1 space buffer, like on a corner or something. If you can lay down patterns or flowers all the way around where you want the lighthouse to sit, it should work.

I have a bench one space away from my south-facing cliff and the picnic blanket one space away from my river. It took me a while to get the placement of my picnic blanket perfect, though. Since the lighthouse is 2x2, make sure you're standing directly in front and on the left side of where you want it. It doesn't matter where Isabelle stands.
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Hummm that’s what I thought.
Isabelle isn’t letting me place a lighthouse. I’ll keep trying then

There needs to be an empty tile (dig-able/able to place pattern area) around the entire PWP for it to allow you to place it.
I got it! Thank you!
This was soo hard. I was asking Isabelle from all angles and it too soo long to get the right one. I was about to give up.

Is this bridge too close to the Police Station?
I'm thinking about replacing it and I don't want to remove this one, only for Isabelle to start saying it's too close.
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