This is a dumb question but I like to have clarification just in case haha, I'm at 9 villagers but I have one moving out tomorrow making my total 8. Does this mean I will start having random move ins in the next 10 days?
To be honest, I don't know. I've recently started and I just had 5 starter + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + camper = 10. Number 6 and 7 moved in 2 days after each other, but 8 came after several days and 9 a few days after 8. But after 1 moves, I don't know when a new villager moves in...
I have a question of my own!
Yesterday one of my villagers moved out, so I'm down to 9. Today I streetpassed someone. Will I have a villager move-in from her void or whatever and if yes, when will the move-in be?
Thanks in advance! ^^