Ask Alby!

Oh! How the tables have turned~

I'm taking Viet classes in school. And it's a li'l bit of both, I'm mixed, but identify as a Viet- American since both my parents were born and raised in Vietnam. I am interested in Vietnamese because it's embarrassing not to know your mother tongue and I wanted to learn more about my culture. But the classes are getting more difficult, and since it's a language class I have to get used to speaking Vietnamese and talking in general too (Dad, you dummy! Why do you always speak to me in English, OTL) ;A;
Well, cya. Gonna call it a night and draw something before I go to bed
Well, cya. Gonna call it a night and draw something before I go to bed

OOhh hfgl with your drawing, and good night c:

And Fruits yeah same I can only understand and speak part of the language and was hoping that one day I would have time to take Vietnamese classes cause half the words strangers speak to me I don't understand xD For now though I just rely on asking my mom what everything means in Vietnamese lol
Your day reminds me of that one episode in Hamtaro when the hams went to the beach, wonder what happened to that show lel
Mm, not as much as I did when I was 10~
But I do like me a peppermint hot chocolate in Winter! <3