If bowies your favorite artist who would be after him?
So for my David Bowie knife (I didn't have time to do it today) I am planning on doing the Ziggy bolt fully in red and blue glitter (I just drew it on with expo pens today) down the main part of the blade, but I was wondering what other Bowie things would go well with it? Like to cover the wooden handle. I plan on making it an art piece and putting it in a shadow box, one of my mom's exes got it for me years ago for Christmas, like sure, me, a vegetarian, is going to use a hunting knife...
Have you ever purposely farted in someone's face?
whats the best kind of chocklate
A: milk
B: dark
C: white
D: hot chocklate
E: all of the above
M: who the hell cares
N: I dont enjoy any of the above.
L: Strait up coco powder.
On a scale of 1 to walking in the Sahara Desert barefoot how bad do you think these questions will get?
What anime is your avatar from?
What is up with your signature and avatar? It's cool.