I'll start. Do you like the old or new Cheren? I honestly like the old one better.
if you had to complete a pokemon game with only ONE pokemon, which pokemon game would it be and what poke?
Do you ship Cheren with anybody ^
if you had a chance of taking a pokemon from 1 of the elite four (from any region) which one would it be and what person from the elite 4?
Do you wish Cheren was real so you could marry him o-o
Who is your favorite gym leader from any game, excluding Cheren ofc?
Why was your previous user Amahara?
The Garden of Amahara? 0-0
Haha yes, I'm actually a huge fan of Blue Exorcist. Amahara was also the name of a flower breeding town I had planned, but I pitched the idea for a graveyard themed town instead.
I have 3 BE manga rn and 5 are coming through the mail *weeb intesifies*
Lol knew it
Rin and Yukio's birthday is actually coming up next week. December 27th, I believe. I love those two. :')