Ask fuzzybug ♥

do you like valentines day? i personally think it is great that there is a holiday that celebrates healthy relationships PLUS CHOCOLATE AND CANDY :D
do you like valentines day? i personally think it is great that there is a holiday that celebrates healthy relationships PLUS CHOCOLATE AND CANDY :D

I do! I had a wonderful Valentine's Day, as well <3
And psst, here's a secret: I was looking forward to this day because of chocolate ;3

- - - Post Merge - - -

how does this make you feel?

It makes me want to eat a mango instead
Leela said:
Despite Tom Nook's bad reputation,
He's actually quite great.
Without him you'd have no place to live,
So please, put an end to your hate.

Sure, he charges many bells,
But houses are expensive,
I know what you're thinking: 'He doesn't need more!
His wealth is so extensive!'

But don't forget that he's the one
Who gives you a place to stay.
Would you rather be in debt
Or live on the streets for the rest of your days?

The economy is rough these days,
You should be very glad
That he's kind enough to support you
Through times that are financially bad.

Before you're mean and cruel him,
I hope you'll think it through.
He has all the patience in the world,
He doesn't pester and rush you.

He gives you plenty of time to save
Your hard earned, valued bells.
You should appreciate this before you judge
The price at which he sells.

What do you think of this poem? I think it really captures the spirit of Tom Nook.
fuzzybug said:
Tom Nook is a crook
He acts like he's doing you a favor
But you're actually being rooked
He's making you live in a tent
And then he makes you pay rent
And of course when you first start
You make less than one cent.
RainbowCherry said:
Tom Nook isn't really bad
It makes me sad
To see how people dislike the guy
Purely because they have to buy
Houses and upgrades and the lot,
So he doesn't live a happy life - not!
He starves to death because he can't pay his own rent,
And people say his morality is bent.
fuzzybug said:
Tom Nook is an evil guy
He makes everyone cry
He steals all their bells,
And when they refuse to pay,
He gives them a tent, and sends them on their way
Yes, he is an evil crook
More so than that foxy guy
Who sells you fake paintings, with a gleam in his eye.
Leela said:
Tom Nook has a very sad life,
He has no children and was left by his wife.

People are always mean to Tom Nook,
They call him a bully, they call him a crook.

What did he do to deserve these names?
It's fuzzybug's fault; it's because she claims

That poor Tom Nook made her life sad,
When in reality she's completely mad.

She lies about Nook to get the attention,
I think what she needs is an intervention.

So next time you see Tom Nook in pain,
Remember the girl who's completely insane.
RainbowCherry said:
Tom Nook has been tortured all the time
Used as suits to make red plumbers fly
And you say he commits crimes?
He is friendly and nice,
You expected a house to be that low of a price?
He sells doors made out of iron, wood, chocolate and candy
Even if he was evil, (which he isn't), his designs would be very dandy!
He looks adorable and cuddly and warm,
So stop throwing up a storm,
About if he was evil, because he's not, he's just the norm,
Of happy chappy, finally a non-evil buisness man!
That's like saying puppies are evil...
Don't be a judgemental... umm... weevil...?
fuzzybug said:
Leela Leela, she thinks she is divine
She thinks no wrong can be done,
She does not see the demise
Of that horrible fiend, that horrible guy
Who may look cuddly, but still makes children cry.
So when you think of I being insane
Just remember, she is just the same
She thinks she is great, with her argumentative ways
But meanwhile she does not see
The flaws in her sayings,
That are so sugar coated with lies.
She puts me down, but I shall not lose
My fate rests in your hands, it is yours to choose.
Beleated_Media said:
Although the lies cause him such strife,
He knows they are true, hes not telling the truth
Nook may whisk you away with promises of bells
but he will soon consume you with debt
so as you can see, this man is a crook
he is a greedy and slimy, the one we call Nook
Leela said:
Despite Tom Nook's bad reputation,
He's actually quite great.
Without him you'd have no place to live,
So please, put an end to your hate.

Sure, he charges many bells,
But houses are expensive,
I know what you're thinking: 'He doesn't need more!
His wealth is so extensive!'

But don't forget that he's the one
Who gives you a place to stay.
Would you rather be in debt
Or live on the streets for the rest of your days?

The economy is rough these days,
You should be very glad
That he's kind enough to support you
Through times that are financially bad.

Before you're mean and cruel him,
I hope you'll think it through.
He has all the patience in the world,
He doesn't pester and rush you.

He gives you plenty of time to save
Your hard earned, valued bells.
You should appreciate this before you judge
The price at which he sells.
fuzzybug said:
Leela Leela, she defends Nook so much
Maybe it's love, yes she has a crush
On 'poor Tom Nook'
Their lies are quite the same
So hear those wedding bells ring loud today,
And remember what they say:
Tom Nook and Leela Nook are just a couple of crooks.
Leela said:
Fuzzybug has an undying love,
She hides it, yes, it's true,
But I can see through her fa?ade,
And shall reveal it to you.

She's always felt the chemistry
With one she longs for so much
She wants to feel his loving,
She wants to feel his touch.

She wants him at her wedding day;
As she walks down the aisle,
She'll see him standing at the altar:
Fuzzybug and Lyle.
fuzzybug said:
Does Leela need to lie so much?
She is like a tabloid, yet worse.
Spreading lies and chaos wherever she is,
She annoys everyone and everything, with her sugar coated tongue

I shall grab some soap
And wash out her mouth
To rid us of her, to rid us of her terrible lies
So that we once again
Can sleep at night
Without fear she is ruining us
For entirety.
Leela said:
Fuzzybug, I know
You harbour hate in your heart
But please, don't be mad

You just cannot see
Tom Nook's generosity,
Love and loyalty

He gave you a home,
You were in financial need,
He was kind and sweet.

Tell me, do you know
Just what he has done for you?
Have you found the truth?

Still claim that he's bad?
The award for the best lie
Is given to you.

It was a poetry battle.