Ask Jakeeeee


Do you like cats?

Do you like cats?

i've never had a cat so i cant really judge but ive always thought they were cute and back when i worked at the vet they had an abandoned kitten taken in which needed to be taken care of every hour or so and i was the one who did that and i really enjoyed doing it, it was so cute and really fun, but i couldnt keep it.
for your hair, i would use conditioner daily and shampoo every other day :)

my friend is in beauty school
Can you tell us a juicy embarasing story or anything REALLY interesting?
Can you tell us a juicy embarasing story or anything REALLY interesting?

Emb. Story:: once I was at subway in a food court and the lady was like 'what meat do you want' and I like 'beef" but she thought I said meat so she asked again and that went on for about five or six times and then I yelled out "BEEEF" but it was rly quiet and then everyone started at me oops
Also once I was at the mall and we walked past this puddle that didn't have a caution sign near it and I slipped in it and then everyone laughed but I got a $200 shopping voucher as compensation so I didn't sue so idc

Really interesting:: I am actually a really emotional person and I am scared of telephones - as in when they ring. Whenever my home phone rings I have to cover my ears and hide otherwise I go crazy and I try avoid talking on them at all costs

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Do you like strawberries?

I did when I was younger