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AMA Ask Me[ri] Anything!

.: Meri :.

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Jul 26, 2020
Sautéed Mushrooms
Blue Poyopuffball Foraged Mushroom
Pink Poyopuffball Foraged Mushroom
Morellul Foraged Mushroom
Blushing Maiden Foraged Mushroom
Common Gentleman Foraged Mushroom
Final Boss Heart Balloon
Red Heart Balloon
Orange Heart Balloon
Yellow Heart Balloon
Green Heart Balloon
Kinda definitely missed the trend on this one, but this seemed like a fun thing to do! ^^ So hey, feel free to ask me anything!
Favorite video game series other than Animal Crossing?
The Dragon Quest series immediately comes to mind; I love these games ahaha. 6 was my favorite for a long time, but I think that 11, the one I'm playing currently, has definitely won out. The series is a ton of fun and has a lot of depth that I don't think it always gets credit for—also, these games can be pretty long, and although that's hardly a bad thing in my book, I'm still working my way through the series ahaha. Still need to play 7 and 8, and I'd definitely like to replay 4 on mobile for the party chat feature, which was sadly cut from the DS version I originally played. Also still hoping that 10 will eventually get an English localization in some form. 🤞

I also really like the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games! Explorers of Sky is a definite favorite of mine by far—it has an outstanding story and very endearing cast, and I'm only slightly embarrassed to admit that it's made me bawl on multiple occasions (...even on replays), but some of the other titles in the series are quite good as well. Super Mystery Dungeon had some pacing issues, but it really grew on me and I wound up playing to 100%. And while it does have that "first game in a series" feel, I've also really enjoyed Blue Rescue Team (currently in the post-game).
This was a tough one, because I have more hobbies than I know what to do with. ^^; I think I've narrowed it down though!

1. Playing video games - This was an easy #1 pick because it's such a varied category; regardless of what I'm in the mood for, I probably have a game that'll suit it. Reading was probably the only other hobby that could've rivalled this one for #1, but I play a few visual novels that are almost entirely reading anyway, so video games won out.

2. Making embroidery floss bracelets - This is my go-to when I want something to do with my hands that doesn't require my full attention. It's creative, but not drainingly so, they can be fairly quick to make (depending on the pattern), and the repetition is calming. Plus, I don't often need to restock on materials, and when I do, even nice embroidery floss is so cheap oh my god.

3. Collecting merch - I love doing this, but it's definitely more expensive than my other two picks, and there's always the concern of shelf space. (=∀ =; ) And I probably spend as much, if not more, on the costs of international shipping/proxy services than the merch itself. Still, I do really enjoy adding to my collection when I can, and I get a lot of joy just from looking over my merch from time-to-time.
(Already played this pretend with Koopadude100, I hope it's okay if I do it with you too)

Hi there, rival mate! :) How's the wind blowing for your cabin?

Since your first stop is the ocean, I guess being left shower-less by your leader is not yet that big on an issue... but I worry if you have enough drinkable water to refill your canteens. Please, stay hydrated! And do NOT drink salt water! :sick:
I stocked on medicine from the Nookies before the camp began, let me know if anyone starts to feel funny... or delirious.
Hiya! ^^ It's going good so far! And don't worry, despite our lack of indoor plumbing, I'm staying well-hydrated and showered (gotta rinse the salt out of my hair). Although, uh, I can't explain how I'm doing all that. Just know that the shadowy figure that's been spotted around other cabins is definitely not me. Any rumors about washroom ghosts definitely don't have anything to do with me either.
Oh, I believe you! I 100% believe you, don't worry! After all, who has never forgotten to close the faucet once or twice? :LOL: Showers running in the middle of the night are nothing to be suspicious about! ;)
Just be careful not to slip in the darkness, please.
Which of the new plushies is your favourite and which jellyfish colour do you like best? 🥰

I’m so happy that we’re in the same cabin!! 💕
I think I'd have to say the Dino Plush is my favorite! The Bee Plush is really cute too though; it's hard choosing between them. ;v; And funnily enough, I think I still have a clownfish plush IRL buried in my closet somewhere.
As for the jellies, I think I like the gold one the best! I really love dark blue and gold together. 🥺 The silver one is really beautiful too though—I'd say those two are probably my top priority collectibles from this event.

And same here! (*´꒳`*)
Have you had the chance to play any Dragon Quest spin-offs like Builders or Monster Joker?
Not yet, but I'd definitely like to! c: Once I'm caught up with the main series, they're next on my list.
My pfp is the heroine of the otome game series Code: Realize, Cardia! ^^ She's great and is definitely one of my favorite otome heroines.
- When did you start playing Pokemon?
- Do you play visual novels other than otome games?
- When did you start playing Pokemon?

I think I'd just turned 11! ^^ Or somewhere pretty close to that; my first Pokemon game was HeartGold and I'm fairly certain I got it not long after its release. I still have it and the Pokewalker too, it just needs new batteries.
- Do you play visual novels other than otome games?

Not currently, but I have been thinking about trying out the Ace Attorney games once I whittle down my gaming backlog a little more.
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