/bumps own thread/
I'm not very good at teaching others
Most you gotta do is practice sure your first few drawing might not be good but don't let that frustrate you just keep on and trying don't give up most people aren't born with knowing how to draw but learned how to for example I didn't know how to draw very well when I first started sure I was a kid but still I never stopped drawing and I got better as Time passed
Think of getting a new instrument you won't now how to play it the first time you receive and in order to play it well is through learning and practice.
here are some tutorials pages
there's also a lot of art tutorials on youtube
Wow...I sounded very sappy right there.
What is the meaning of life?
This is so adorable.
What is your favourite mythical creature?
My does my tummy hurt? =C
Do you want to build a snowman?
WHY DO YOU MATCH YOUR ZEBRA PICTURE WHYYYY? Someone owns a zebra near my house, it lives with horses.