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Yes, it's all connected to the same storage including the lockers in the 2nd floor of the museum.
WOO! Know what that means? Fishing ALLLLLLL night on release day! c:

If Isabelle gives me the fishing rod, of course <_>
Or at least until you get 195 fish. :p
(180 for storage, 15 for pockets)
That'll be more than enough moneyz to pay my first loan to get out of that tent and maybe even a project :> ill throw out all the cheap fishes and keep the more expensive ones lol
Oh Loviechu that's genius, I would never have thought of using the locker in the station. You won't be the only one up all night fishing!
I would be doing that too.
My plan is catch everything that I can for that time and get them to Blathers, everything else that I have already logged and inexpensive will be sold.

And you know my favorite season of AC is?
Yep, Summer has the most expensive bugs and fishes and I'm going to hate having to recapture the bloody tarantula and scorpion.
WOO! Know what that means? Fishing ALLLLLLL night on release day! c:

If Isabelle gives me the fishing rod, of course <_>

You won't have access to the lockers in the museum though. The second floor is a community project that is built later on.
Oh I know that one. I still have access to the train station lockers, which is all I need c:
It'll be funny if you weren't able to use the train lockers until you have a dresser/wardrobe in your house.
i was wondering if there was some type of calendar in game that tells you what days birthdays are,events,ect. i would imagine since you can now hang things on the wall there is some type of hanging calendar but i haven't noticed any in lets plays i know in the past the bullion board would have the events but if memory serves there was always some way to see the month.on top of that how will we keep track of all the birthdays?! ( i know some animals send you a letter letting you know their birthday is near but im not sure they do that for every year or every animal) *sorry for the lack of commas and periods*

Does anyone know the answer to this question because I'm curious about this as well
There's a notice on the bulletin board whenever there's a Birthday. And I'm pretty sure they send you a reminder every year in the mail.
I know you can have 3 bridges max, but is there a minimum? Like, can you take down one of the original bridges and rebuild it somewhere else, before you build a third?
I've seen towns with one bridge but I'm not sure if an original bridge was deleted.
I know you can have 3 bridges max, but is there a minimum? Like, can you take down one of the original bridges and rebuild it somewhere else, before you build a third?

The minimum is one bridge. You can delete the original bridge for the usual fee as long as you already have another bridge built. However, the original bridge does not count toward the max of 30 projects, but once it's destroyed and rebuilt it does.
Can you time travel to the time before you planted the town tree etc and will there be any "problems" if you do?
Are there any known Easter eggs with the megaphone? Like if I yelled "DANCE!" My animals would begin uncontrollably dancing?
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