What happens to the house decorations when you switch to a new one? Does it go into storage for you to freely use?
No, if you want to use them again, you have to buy them again.
What happens to the house decorations when you switch to a new one? Does it go into storage for you to freely use?
Yes, unfortunately.
But as I understand, it's not as intense. It's still there, but it takes much longer to be noticeable and it grows back much faster.
Could you show me how to activate my spotpass? I can't seem to figure that out please and thank you
Where at if it the dream mansion i havent gotten it yet less then 5 days left for that
I don't think the transfer takes too long, though re-downloading will take about 45 minutes by the sounds of it.
I'm getting the bundle, and don't want to have the game infront of me and still have to wait for redownload and transfer. Hasn't the wait been painful enough already?
All fruits are most definitely available to all regions.