Ask Questions about New Leaf here! (Read first before creating a thread)

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Does anybody know if the bright nights festival is returning? I loved that in WW. :)
Does anyone know if the Wii Fit board is a DLC item or could I actually get it? I really want it in my house when the game comes out. :)
I know that the color of the train station and town hall are random from the four choices but it is random in that it is completely random for both -or- if town hall is color A the train station will be random from color choice B C and D?
I want to have both of mine blue and don't want to reset 1000 times for something that'll never happen. Doesn't seem like something a guidebook would say so I guess I'm just wondering if anybody has seen a town where they are both the same color. I could see nintendo going either way on that so I figured I'd ask.

I was going to ask this! I really want both green. The station definitely but if everything else is great I'll be happy. And there was me saying I wasn't going to reset for anything this time...
Can you change a short-sleeved shirt into long-sleeved and vice versa? I am not talking about ones you design yourself.
I need this question clear up for me cause its driving me crazy. Can those that have the game help with the answer...even if its a smiple no way?

Does the mayor make less bells when selling fruit then other player chars made?
oh and if yes what is the reason.
@Chameleon I'm glad I'm not the only one!

@ACKing you're welcome!

@aika It is only different based on what fruit is being sold so the prices vary if it is native, island, delicious, or foreign delicious. There is absolutely no reason nintendo would do that and I have seen people sell fruit on different characters and the amounts stay the same.
Sorry if this has been asked before, but does Feng Shui make a return in New Leaf?
Do you think we will get the sushi items, or do you think that will be a Japan exclusive? I really hope we do. Also I have seen so many food items and I really hope we get them because Id love to use them.
^^ do you have pictures of sushi stuff? I haven't seen them just curious on what they look like.
I think the item catalog will stay the same. No real reason for Nintendo to change it, plenty of sushi is ate in countries outside japan. The DLC items may be another story, they should re-release a majority of them but not necessarily all. Only time will tell on that one.
Sorry if this has been asked before, but does Feng Shui make a return in New Leaf?

Do you think we will get the sushi items, or do you think that will be a Japan exclusive? I really hope we do. Also I have seen so many food items and I really hope we get them because Id love to use them.
I don't see why not. The kotatsu is more Japanese than Sushi is IMO and the Kotatsu isn't japan only
I'll ask again since my question was skipped.... :(

Hey guys! So I wanted to destroy my clock community project to put in a new one. I paid the 4000 bells and it's been 2 (or even 3 at this point) days now. Don't they usually break them down in one day? Or have I heard wrong?
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