what is the minimum amount of villagers you can have in your town?
When a villager moves out, it is still stored in the games memory and will occasionally pop up in Main Street. When here, they will NOT move into your town, When 16 more villagers move out, this villager is no longer stored in your game, and is free to adopt again.Can anyone FULLY explain the 16 villager cycle?
It's only just came into season, this is probably why you're having troubleOk, is it normal I`m having such a hard time catching a tuna? I seriously can`t find one, I`ve been gunning for one since the start of the month. Are they more common at the island? Its driving me nuts.....
My question: what fairytale pwps are there?
More dumb questions XD
-When villagers move in and out, are the houses permanent? Or does the whole house go and the new villager can be in a random location on the map? If it's the latter, won't thins mean that I have to make a new character every morning to make sure some NPC hasn't decimated my flower garden or orchid?
-When can I use QR codes and patterns to make paths in my city? I just got my gardening canter today, so it's time for some major city planning!
A quick question!
Today I bought a 3DS XL system. As I don't have any downloaded/digital games (they're all physical copies), I'm wondering if it's necessary at all to do a system transfer for anything to do with New Leaf from my original 3DS which I've always played the game on. It's a silly question, but I just want to make sure I don't lose the save data and progress I've made in my town if I were to just pop the cartridge in and start playing without doing this system transfer. I hope someone knows! Thanks in advance!
Quick question, if I convince Filbert to move in from the campsite, how many days later does his plot show up? I want to reset him into a good spot.
The last time my question got lost in the huge amount of new ones, so I'm asking again:
I need one of my dreamies to move out because their house is in an inacceptable spot. If I give him to someone and ask them to hold him, can I take him back right afterwards/after the next spot gets free or do I have to wait through the 16-villager-cycle? I'm unsure if the cycle is only for system-generated villagers and since I don't TT, I doubt I'll find anyone willing to hold my dreamie for an eternity, lol.
Okay, I'm having a hard time finding my tree furniture today...
Does furniture drop from non-fruiting fruit trees? I haven't been paying attention, so I can't remember if it does or not. Maybe it would be easier to just keep two regular trees and plant the rest as fruit.