Planting flowers does help. It's also extremely helpful if you have a gold watering can, as you can water a lot without walking over so much grass.
How do you get a gold watering can?
Speaking of voided villagers, when you void a villager, there's obviously still the chance that they will move into the town of whoever you visit/whoever visits you. Is there a way to stop that at all? Is there a set time for them to stay in the void? Can I "clear" my list of voided villagers, or will they just move into any town that has space? I've had multiple unwanted villagers moving into my town because I wasn't told they had recently moved, and I wouldn't want it to happen to anyone else.
Pate is in my main street close to a week, so may I know how to get her to move in?
It will never pop. But, if you are having bad luck and trip while holding it, it'll float away.
Anyone know if by talking to a villager that you've been avoiding (for kicking them out purposes) as Santa, does that put them on the ladder of friendship/neediness like it would if you spoke to them as yourself any other day?
I had Eugene move in at random and I just want him gone, but I'm worried come Toy Day, he'll be sticking around for a lot longer :c
I havent asked him what he wants for Toy Day but he's the last one i need so i'm at a standstill, do i give up my ability to get Jingle's pic or do I live with Eugene?
wait, by float away do you mean you'll lose it??
or is it just an animation that goes along with tripping, like when you switch it out for a shovel or something, i've noticed it seemed to float away ;0
It floats away, meaning you lose it. I've never had it happen to me, but that's what I've been told. I now have so many of these things due to having a second 3DS that I'll put on my King Tut mask later and see what happens.
How accurate are the toy day descriptions? Do I order them in the mail beforehand?
For instance, Diana wants a white toy. I don't know what the game defines as a toy, and I don't think I have a white one cataloged. I've missed toy day in every AC game actually :L
Jingle gives you all the toys in Santa's sack on Dec. 24th.
A bunch of my villagers wanted dolls, and Jingle gave me a wobbilina for pink doll, black lucky cats and gold lucky cats for the black and yellow dolls respectively.
It's just a matter of figuring which fits their wish best, and if needed, making a guess.
Henry wanted a gray furni item, and the only thing i had in the bag like that was a tall lantern, which he was happy with.
How do I make a snowmam, I have tried 5 days in a row now :O
An old villager will remain in main street until 10 or so more villagers have moved away. (16 have to move away after them, 10 or so, not sure exactly, after they appear in main street). When they disappear the 16-villager cycle is complete.
is there a way to get my old town back brother got rid of it
Here's a guide for making all 4 snowmen.![]()