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How long does it take for black roses to turn gold after I water them w/ the golden can? A day in real-time? Also, can other breeds of black flowers turn gold or is it just roses?

It only takes one day. However, the black flower needs to be in its withered state when you water it with the golden watering can. When the next day rolls around, you'll find it has been revived and is now golden. :3

Edit: Also, does anyone know when Jingle will appear? Is it at 8pm like usual?
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It only takes one day. However, the black flower needs to be in its withered state when you water it with the golden watering can. When the next day rolls around, you'll find it has been revived and is now golden. :3

Edit: Also, does anyone know when Jingle will appear? Is it at 8pm like usual?
Jingle appears at 6pm.
flo just told me today that beau is thinking of moving, but he hasnt pinged me yet. how do i trigger this event?
What time does he disappear? I won't be home until after midnight :C Can I still complete the event? If not I guess I have to TT a few hours backwards when I do get home but I don't like to TT >_>

He's there at six until midnight.
I was told that Jitters is thinking about moving, but he won't ping me. I tried saving and quitting and the swimming trick. Do they just not ping on special occasions? I talked to someone after not getting pinged to make sure I wasn't stuck in the "you need to take a break" time frame.

Also, I just told the dude a few days ago not to move. I'm guessing his number must have come up again, because I doubt the game would have someone telling me that based on old information.
I want to to TT to April Fool's Day, but I'm worried my favorite villagers will move out. None of my villagers talked about moving out, but is there still a risk? Also, what does "PWP" mean?
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Public Works Projects. I think it would be safer if you could wait until you turn down a move request. I don't think they'll ask to move today, though (special occasion).
do dead perfect fruit trees count against perfect town?
want to make a nice setup around my Stonehenge.
I currently have 10 villagers, and the 10th one I accidentally picked up from a friend earlier this week. I'm trying to get all my dreamies, so if I pick up a villager in boxes from another town when I have 10 villagers will he/she be stored in queue or pool? So when one villager moves out the next one will be the one I picked up?
Is there a sure-fire way to obtain desired Saharah carpets/wallpapers? When she arrives to your place, she senses the "harmony" of the room. Does that mean you decorate your room to what you think your wallpaper would match? I'm asking this because I really want the daisy meadow flooring, but I'm not willing to pay an arm and a leg for it here at the forums.
Is there a sure-fire way to obtain desired Saharah carpets/wallpapers? When she arrives to your place, she senses the "harmony" of the room. Does that mean you decorate your room to what you think your wallpaper would match? I'm asking this because I really want the daisy meadow flooring, but I'm not willing to pay an arm and a leg for it here at the forums.

Saharah's choices are random. Sometimes she won't even give you an exclusive wall and floor. If you have the time and are willing you can always reset with her. So go talk to her and have her do her thing... If you don't like it exit the game and try again. It can take awhile though.
Saharah's choices are random. Sometimes she won't even give you an exclusive wall and floor. If you have the time and are willing you can always reset with her. So go talk to her and have her do her thing... If you don't like it exit the game and try again. It can take awhile though.

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