The black-nosed Reindeer
Thanks so much! I'll have to see if Nook finally agrees with the spot I picked anyway (this is like...my third try to place my alt's house and each time I had to wait until a villager moved out, only to then learn that Nook didn't like my placement). I'll try to go with four spaces, just to be sure, even if three would look better. *tests* Hnngh he doesn't like the temporary bridge that's there right now. All of my rage, Nook. All of my rage. >(
That's probably not a good sign if Nook doesn't want to put your house that close though. Normally a bridge needs more space being put down after than something needs to be put near a bridge. :/ - though I never checked that case with houses. :s
I wish my Dream code from my very first town still worked, the houses were left in place after so I'd be able to give exact measurements.