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I really hope the DLC isn't a 'go somewhere and download it!' thing.

My social anxiety might prevent me from being able to go and get the items. If my fear of driving my car doesn't stop me first. ._.
If a villager moves on top of some fruit trees, does the fruit go to the lost and found? o:

For some reason I thought trees prevented movers to that spot in NL? however I assume it would not go to lost and found, as fruit is somewhat plentiful. I am not completely sure though.
I didn't make the habit of storing fruit, but I'm going to do it for this one.
Storing fruit sounds like a pretty good idea. I'd never thought about doing that before. Might designate a place in my dressers for that when I get the game. Make sure I have three of each fruit at all times. xD Including the perfect version of my town fruit.
I really hope the DLC isn't a 'go somewhere and download it!' thing.

My social anxiety might prevent me from being able to go and get the items. If my fear of driving my car doesn't stop me first. ._.

While I wouldn't mind an occasional "go to Gamestop to get this", it would kind of suck to have something like "Go to Comic Con or another Con that is thousands of miles away from where you live and you have to pay a lot to go to".
While I wouldn't mind an occasional "go to Gamestop to get this", it would kind of suck to have something like "Go to Comic Con or another Con that is thousands of miles away from where you live and you have to pay a lot to go to".

Indeed. I just hope that if it is a store, it is a chain that is everywhere. When I saw JP had the 7/11 thing, all I could think about was how I have none of those gas stations near me.
Indeed. I just hope that if it is a store, it is a chain that is everywhere. When I saw JP had the 7/11 thing, all I could think about was how I have none of those gas stations near me.

I thought 7-11 had gone out of business until I moved to New England and saw one in a little town. Then I heard about the Japanese DLC and was like wat. I guess the company is still pretty strong over there.
Is your ACNL friend code the same as your 3DS friend code?

If not, how do you get your FC in game?

I want to visit a friend's town (not local) and we are having a hard time figuring it out.

Yeah, its the same.
You pretty much add your NL Friend as a friend on your 3DS, and the 3DS friend roster is a replacement for the one ingame also :)
I thought 7-11 had gone out of business until I moved to New England and saw one in a little town. Then I heard about the Japanese DLC and was like wat. I guess the company is still pretty strong over there.

If it was something like a fast food place, I wouldn't mind. All of those are safely accessible from the back roads around here.

But if we're talking Toys R Us... both of the ones I know of are far away, one just off of US 40 in town where everything is scary chaotic and the other requires me to traverse a crazy road with lots of turns and a crazy intersection with like 6 directions on it AND A ROUND ABOUT. *rocks back and forth* @_@
Oh that would be great. There's like 3 McDonalds I can easily get to via back roads around here. Two of which are like 5 minutes away!

...I just realized there are two Mcdonalds 5 minutes away in different directions. As well as Burger King and Wendys. And subway.

Area I live in, wtf?
Woo there's a McDonald's and Starbucks down the street

OMG do you imagine McDonald themed furniture? A fries wall lamp, a burger bed, a soda type of stand alone lamp. An apple pie sofa, a mac flurry boombox

I think I took it too far lol
Woo there's a McDonald's and Starbucks down the street

OMG do you imagine McDonald themed furniture? A fries wall lamp, a burger bed, a soda type of stand alone lamp. An apple pie sofa, a mac flurry boombox

I think I took it too far lol

I could easily see McDonalds doing a line of toys eventually for it, especially if the game really takes off. Plus they can do a special Nintendo Zone thing.

I know I would definitely go if it meant some tiny little toys of AC characters.
If they did that and I saw punchy, I will buy every happy meal needed until I got him x(
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