View attachment 3505
Here you are!
Green, Beige, Red, Warm Colorful and British Patchwork remakes in that order!
Yes, if this hasn't already been answered.Are there still thunderstorms?
The Happy Room Academy is a room-decor rating business run by Lyle. When you're not around, they go into your house and rate your rooms with points. The more points you get, the better your score is. You can add points to your score by using Nook's Spotlight items in your rooms, having a complete theme in a room, or using Feng Shui.Can someone tell me what is exactly Happy Room Academy & is it different in New Leaf?
How should I wake Cyrus up from sleeping?
How should I wake Cyrus up from sleeping?
View attachment 3505
Here you are!
Green, Beige, Red, Warm Colorful and British Patchwork remakes in that order!
How can I get rich fast?
How should I wake Cyrus up from sleeping?
How can I get rich fast?
What about the letters you write to the villagers. On GCN they used to show it to human visitors and I like this feature. Is it still in New Leaf ? i tought that Nintendon't wouldn't do this since it's online and they want to protect the children.
I hope the feature is available in New Leaf, cause I love sending them letters, sometimes they're fun, and rated E for everyone![]()
Do not sleep after 12:00 a.m each Sunday, and you can meet one pig grandma appeares random in your village, just stop her and buy all the stock as possible as you can, and choose one day to sell all of them at a VERY HIGH price(stongly recommend over 500 bells/stock)
few weeks passed, your savings can become a very cooooooool number