Don't Need Words
Anything happening? (Not a stalker, not a creep. Just running out of things to say...already...)
Anything happening? (Not a stalker, not a creep. Just running out of things to say...already...)
Anything happening? (Not a stalker, not a creep. Just running out of things to say...already...)
yeeeeeeeee urs is cute. There's something special if you click it
Sound? It has to be nails on a chalkboard or loud, loud snoring. Unfortunately, I live with 2 loud snorers.
Put it there because I always wanted a link there but I can't find a certain one, so that song's a filler for now.that was special lol is that Carla's theme song? :O
Stay inside, ofc.If you saw a wolf outside for your window, what would you do?
What you will do if you are in a summer camp, and, when you're sleeping you see a hand through the window and you know that it's imposible to reach that window?
Yeah, I've played them. All of the installments are pretty great.You've heard of the Assassin's Creed franchise, I presume?
Yeah, I've played them. All of the installments are pretty great.
That's amazing! On what console? The only ones I never played was Revelations and 3.
Sleep is always good.Should I sleep?
Feel better <3I have a mild cold today
Any tips on healing a sore throat?
wooohoo, I love the rain too, especially when the sky goes dark and it rains really heavyYeah I love questions like these!
I like the rain. Well, most if the time. It's so pretty.