Ask Sparro!

i have three questions for you~

who is your favorite female protagonist for pokemon?
who is your favorite male protagonist for pokemon?
and which starter pokemon is your favorite?
Thats alright C:

Do you like cosmos in the game or do you think they are ugly?

Their "okay.."

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i have three questions for you~

who is your favorite female protagonist for pokemon?
who is your favorite male protagonist for pokemon?
and which starter pokemon is your favorite?



Chimchar or whatever XD
favorite rp you've been in on tbt?

whos your favorite of my rp characters?

do you like drawing/writing?
favorite rp you've been in on tbt?

whos your favorite of my rp characters?

do you like drawing/writing?

Uh, that's tough. I won't answer :)

Kyra. Shiki....uhh...I DON'T KNOW

Yeah, I lke writing. I enjoy drawing though I'm not a good drawer.

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Do you play animal crossing or pokemon more?

I played Pokemon alot as a kid, but my amount of time played on AC in one year kicks Pokemon in the butt XD
Kyra. Shiki....uhh...I DON'T KNOW

ahh kyra, good memories good memories~

how about favorite storyline of an rp you've been in? c:

and favorite pokemon game!
favorite pokemon villain team, minus team rocket since i think you like them best LOL
ahh kyra, good memories good memories~

how about favorite storyline of an rp you've been in? c:

and favorite pokemon game!
favorite pokemon villain team, minus team rocket since i think you like them best LOL


Uh...I guess Superior Race.

That outta be Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.

Team Aqua.
those are good answers! i really like R/S/E also c:

what if it was just counting the bosses of the teams? then who?

favorite female player character of the games, and favorite male player character of the games?

favorite pokemon type?

favorite legendary pokemon?

sorry im killing you with questions LOL xP