Thought you were gonna say thats a stupid question 8).
Your comment on this?
Sorry for making your head explode,Did ketchup come out?
You don't like Dragonite? Are you a Salamence? :3
Do you like formal wear?
OH okay,
What do you think..about this?
Favourite video game song? (None from Pokemon or Animal Crossing. We all know they would win)
Favourite video game song? (None from Pokemon or Animal Crossing. We all know they would win)
What about this?
This just barely reaches the top of the list.
- - - Post Merge - - -
That does not compute in my mind..
Can I tell you myyyyyy favourite?
Do you like.....People?/
*sigh* Alright...Sure, but I pray to god, please make it not sadistic, gruesome, gross or weird or anything like that.