Don't Need Words
These tags are beautiful?
Maybe? I have no idea
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*fire too fiery to put out* Why not?
Rainbows vs Cherries?
I would be on the side of....HARDYHARHARHAR!
These tags are beautiful?
*fire too fiery to put out* Why not?
Rainbows vs Cherries?
Not a side!Maybe? I have no idea
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I would be on the side of....HARDYHARHARHAR!
Not a side!
hello cutie <3<3
how are you doing right now, is my question! xP
Aki vs Ace?
Jason vs Satoshi?
Every RP character vs Every RP character?
Whos god?
hello cutie <3<3
how are you doing right now, is my question! xP
Best lines in Xenoblade Chronicles:
"The head! Shoot him in the head!"
"He's so cuddly I could almost cuddle him to death!"
(Shulks Response = Umm.. Melia, are feeling ok?")
(Response to Shulk, and his failure to understand women that like to cuddle things.) "I'm afraid you have much to learn about the differences of sex, Shulk."
"Now it's Reyn time!"
(There are probably better lines, but I just like these the most.)
How do you like them?
Aki vs Ace!Great, great, and no, your a cutie X3
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I don't know.
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I dunno.
Aww, Xenoblade Chronicles was the best! Play it! Play it or die! :3Uh...UH..I don't like the at all..
Aki vs Ace!
Place ya bets! Place them noooow,hxizufyIhfoh-^;8-/7>\ye1st6$ydra^:$9^474&-'kthrixoslshxhskkab
Do you realize how great your username is?
do u think we should make another rp
Hey! Your thread past cap's ask thread o;;;;
how does it feel?
SPARRO! Have you ever felt like you were going to die of stress/embaressment/anger?