I will not tell. It's personal.
Kinda is weird...
If it's personal, how do I know your age?
Not to sound like a creep but you told me. lmfao
I will not tell. It's personal.
Kinda is weird...
Lol ^^
y ur characters so charming
not that i'd know cause i never get a turn
Don't worry. I won't tell. ;D
That is, if you pay me not to. Muahaha. Kidding.
y ur characters so charming
not that i'd know cause i never get a turn
noooooo next one is for you bby// i shall royally back off next
time Dx
why are you so awesome sparrororororo ; n ;
y ur characters so charming
not that i'd know cause i never get a turn
Actually, I gave Holo a chance but you brushed it away ...
he got mad and yelled at holo so she got mad at him, it was right after she helped him too lol
I'm not. You and Ahri and DaisyGirl and Myst and well, everyone on TBT but me are XD
Are you comfortable with public speaking?
*but me is.
You're welcome. ;D
Thanks for mentioning me. lmfao